Slight increase for petrol stations
Wholesale and retail trade and service activities;Income and consumption
bensin, Petrol stations, turnover statisticsWholesale and retail trade , Consumption, Income and consumption, Wholesale and retail trade and service activities

Petrol stations, turnover statisticsSeptember 2006



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Slight increase for petrol stations

Turnover for petrol stations in September increased by 1.1 per cent compared to September 2005. In this period the sales of engine fuel rose by 0.5 per cent. Engine fuel accounts for 75 per cent of the turnover for petrol stations.

The first nine months this year the turnover of petrol and lubricants rose by 10.5 per cent compared to the same period last year. The growth in turnover for September is substantially lower than the other months this year. This is due to the price development on fuel.

Constant more food service

Food service rose by 7.2 per cent from September 2005 to September 2006. The first nine months this year the turnover for food service increased by 6.8 per cent compared to the same period last year. In September the sales of everyday commodities rose by 2.3 per cent compared to the same period last year.

Slight growth of car equipment

Compared to September 2005, sales of car equipment rose by 0.6 per cent in September this year. In the first nine months of 2006 the turnover of car equipment decreased by 1.8 per cent compared to the same period last year.

Turnover statistics for petrol stations
  Turnover Change in per cent
  September 2006 January-September 2006 September 2005-September 2006 January-September 2005-January-September 2006
Total 3 373 205 30 824 991 1.1 8.0
Petrol and lubricants 2 544 487 22 767 143 0.5 10.5
Car equipment 56 612  598 108 0.6 -1.8
Everyday commodities  436 268 4 136 455 2.3 0.1
Other goods including music and video sales 88 803  957 644 -2.4 -5.6
Food service  173 403 1 520 474 7.2 6.8
Workshop service and car wash 45 128  589 591 11.2 11.5
Renting 12 329 99 456 24.3 15.9
Games/commision 16 175  156 120 -14.6 18.2
