More food service on petrol stations
Wholesale and retail trade and service activities;Income and consumption
bensin, Petrol stations, turnover statisticsWholesale and retail trade , Consumption, Income and consumption, Wholesale and retail trade and service activities

Petrol stations, turnover statisticsAugust 2007



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More food service on petrol stations

In August this year, the turnover of food service increased by 13.3 per cent compared with the same period last year. In August 2007, the petrol stations’ total turnover was 1.2 per cent higher compared with the same month last year.

The 13.3 per cent growth in turnover of food service amounts to NOK 28.7 million. The petrol stations total turnover rose by NOK 186 million, or 1.2 per cent. The total turnover was NOK 3.8 billion in August this year.

Petrol stations, turnover distributed by product groups, August 2007.

Increased turnover for everyday commodities

Turnover of everyday commodities rose by 2.8 per cent from August 2006 to August 2007. By comparison, grocery shops in Norway had an increase of 7.2 per cent the same month. The turnover for engine fuel and lubricants decreased by 0.1 per cent the same period.

NOK 982 million the first eight months

The first eight months this year, the turnover of petrol stations in Norway rose by more than NOK 982 million or 3.6 per cent, compared with the same period last year. In the same period, the turnover for engine fuel and lubricants increased by NOK 614 million, or 3.0 per cent. The first eight month this year, food service increased by NOK 186 million or 13.8 per cent, compared to the same period last year.

Petrol stations, turnover statistics
  Turnover Change in per cent
  August 2007 January-
August 2007
August 2006-
August 2007
January-August 2006-
January-August 2007
Total 3 811 813          28 434 047 1,2 3,6
Petrol and lubricants 2 857 945 20 836 513 -0.1 3.0
Car equipment 55 758  582 667 -1.5 7.6
Everyday commodities  497 129 3 851 398 2.8 4.1
Other goods including music and video sales  100 698  848 253 -3.7 -2.4
Food service  213 565 1 533 282 13.3 13.8
Workshop service and car wash 54 403  580 037 29.6 6.5
Renting 13 691 95 171 3.3 9.2
Games/commision 18 624  106 726 8.0 -23.7
