Sales for NOK 42.4 billion
Wholesale and retail trade and service activities;Income and consumption
bensin, Petrol stations, turnover statisticsWholesale and retail trade , Consumption, Income and consumption, Wholesale and retail trade and service activities

Petrol stations, turnover statisticsDecember 2007



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Sales for NOK 42.4 billion

The turnover of Norwegian petrol stations was NOK 42.4 billion in 2007. This is NOK 1.8 billion or 4.5 per cent higher than in 2006.

Petrol stations, turnover distributed by product groups. December 2007

The turnover of engine fuel and lubricants was NOK 31.2 billion, an increase of NOK 1.4 billion or 4.5 per cent compared to 2006. Sales of food services and everyday commodities rose by 11.3 and 3.3 per cent respectively. The turnover for these two groups was NOK 7.9 billion in 2007. Workshop services and car wash increased by 9.0 per cent, while car equipment rose by 4.3 per cent.

Decline in sales of food

From December 2006 to December 2007, sales of everyday commodities and food services for petrol stations decreased by 1.7 and 0.2 per cent respectively.

The turnover of engine fuel and lubricants rose by 9.3 per cent while the petrol stations’ total turnover rose by 6.3 per cent from December 2006 to December 2007.

Petrol stations, turnover statistics
  Turnover Change in per cent
  December 2007 January-December 2007 December 2006-
December 2007
January-December 2006-
January-December 2007
Total 3 415 504 42 410 916 6.3 4.5
Petrol and lubricants 2 484 672 31 214 744 9.3 4.5
Car equipment 80 597  907 582 -3.1 4.3
Everyday commodities  431 994 5 587 836 -1.7 3.3
Other goods including music and video sales  112 160 1 221 330 -1.9 -2.8
Food service  185 702 2 288 142 -0.2 11.3
Workshop service and car wash 92 549  874 838 4.5 9.0
Renting 8 768  136 783 -12.7 3.1
Games/commision 19 062  179 546 13.2 -12.4
