Wholesale and retail trade and service activities

Volume index for wholesale tradeQ4 2006


About the statistics


Name and topic

Name: Volume index for wholesale trade
Topic: Wholesale and retail trade and service activities

Responsible division

Division for Construction and Service

Definitions of the main concepts and variables

The statistics is calculated based on the Price index for wholesale trade http://www.ssb.no/engrospris_en/ and the Sales statistics on trade and repair of vehicles and household appliances http://www.ssb.no/vroms_en/ .

Standard classifications

Classification according to Norwegian standard industrial classification (SN2002), that builds on EU standard NACE Rev. 1.1. It can be found here:


Administrative information

Regional level

Publication of data at national level only.

Frequency and timeliness


Published approximately 60 days after given quarter.

International reporting

Not relevant


The data series is stored in the programming language Fame.


Background and purpose

The purpose of the statistics is to measure the changes in volume for businesses classified within wholesale trade in Norway. The data series date back to 1995.

Users and applications

Users include public and private sector agencies, organisations and individuals.

Coherence with other statistics

Not relevant

Legal authority

Not relevant

EEA reference

Not relevant



All establishments in wholesale trade and commission trade except of motor vehicles and motorcycles (SN2002: 51), except wholesale on a fee or contract basis (SN2002: 51.1).

Data sources and sampling

The statistics is calculated based on the Price index for wholesale trade http://www.ssb.no/engrospris_en/ and the Sales statistics on trade and repair of vehicles and household appliances http://www.ssb.no/vroms_en/ .

The Price index for wholesale trade consists of a sample of about 1100 units. The Sales statistics on trade and repair of vehicles and household appliances is a full census survey.

Collection of data, editing and estimations

The Sales statistics on trade and repair of vehicles and household appliances, which is published for two-month periods, is estimated quarterly in accordance with the following model:

The first period (January and February) is placed in the first quarter. The second period (March and April) is divided between the first and second quarter according to number of working days. The same applies to subsequent periods. Wednesday before Maundy Thursday counts as half a working day.

The quarterly figures for the Sales statistics on trade and repair of vehicles and household appliances are then transformed into an index by using 1995 as the base year.

The Volume index for wholesale trade is then calculated on three-digit level by dividing the index for the Sales statistics on trade and repair of vehicles and household appliances by the Price index for wholesale trade.

From the 4th quarter 2006 Statistics Norway has changed the calculation method for the volume index for wholesale trade. For two-digit level class the index is now calculated as a weighted total of the volume indices on three-digit level with reference year values as weights. The volume indices on two-digit level were previously calculated by direct deflation of the value indices and this is still the case for the volume indices on three-digit level. The revised method is in line with underlying principles of the volume indices in the index of commodity consumption and the volume index of retail sales. Revised volume figures have been calculated back to January 2002.


Not relevant

Comparability over time and space

The index has been published in its present form since 1995.

Accuracy and reliability

Sources of error and uncertainty

The statistics is calculated based on the Price index for wholesale trade "http://www.ssb.no/engrospris_en/": http://www.ssb.no/engrospris_en and the Sales statistics on trade and repair of vehicles and household appliances http://www.ssb.no/vroms_en/ .

The statistics is calculated based on the Price index for wholesale trade "http://www.ssb.no/engrospris_en/": http://www.ssb.no/engrospris_enand the Sales statistics on trade and repair of vehicles and household appliances http://www.ssb.no/vroms_en/ .

The statistics is calculated based on the Price index for wholesale trade http://www.ssb.no/engrospris_en/