Wholesale and retail trade rose by NOK 83 billion
Wholesale and retail trade and service activities
stvareh, Wholesale and retail trade, structural statistics, retail trade, commodity trade, wholesale trade, agency business, enterprises, establishments, employees, turnover, wage costs, gross investments, industry breakdown, motor vehicles, motorbikesWholesale and retail trade , Wholesale and retail trade and service activities

Wholesale and retail trade, structural statistics2006



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Wholesale and retail trade rose by NOK 83 billion

Total turnover came to NOK 1 173 billion in 2006. The total number of persons employed in 2006 was 356 289, and the total number of local kind-of-activity units was 67 206. The compensation of employees amounted to NOK 106.8 billion and investments amounted to NOK 10.3 billion.

Turnover by division. Local kind-of-activity units. 2004-2006. NOK billion

Turnover, by number of persons employed. Wholesale and retail trade, total. Local kind-of-activity units. 2006. NOK billion.

Almost NOK 300 billion in retail trade

The local kind-of-activity units in retail trade, excluding motor vehicles and motorcycles, had a turnover of NOK 297.4 billion in 2006, an increase of NOK 16.1 billion, or 5.7 per cent, from 2005.

The number of employed persons in the industry was 192 447, while the number of local kind-of-activity units was 36 663.

More than 8 per cent growth for motor vehicles and petrol

The local kind-of-activity units within sale and maintenance of motor vehicles and automotive fuel had an increase in turnover of NOK 14.5 billion, or 8.3 per cent, from 2005 to 2006. The turnover amounted to NOK 188.5 billion in 2006. The number of persons employed in the industry was 58 389, while the number of enterprises was 10 562. The compensation of employees amounted to NOK 18.2 billion in 2006, and investments amounted to NOK 1.4 billion.

NOK 687 billion in agency and wholesale trade

The local kind-of-activity units in agency and wholesale trade, excluding motor vehicles and motorcycles, had a turnover of NOK 687.4 billion in 2006, an increase of 8.2 per cent from 2005. The number of persons employed in the industry was 105 453, while the number of local kind-of-activity units was 19 981. The compensation of employees and investments amounted to NOK 48.0 and NOK 3.9 billion respectively.

The turnover in the structure statistics is excluding VAT.

Enterprise statistics

The 55 713 enterprises in wholesale and retail trade generated a turnover of NOK 1 123 billion in 2006 and the number of persons employed was 355 401. The structure statistics are published both at enterprise and local kind-of-activity unit level. Statistics Norway has access to more detailed accounting information at enterprise level. The turnover at local kind-of-activity unit level is somewhat higher than the turnover at enterprise level, because some local kind-of-activity units in wholesale and retail trade belong to enterprises that are not part of the wholesale and retail trade.

For more information and definitions, go to About the statistics.

Comparisons with other European countries

For international comparisons, go to EUROSTAT .
