Wholesale and retail trade and service activities

Wholesale and retail trade, structural statistics

Figures on online sales for industry classification 47 Retail trade will be published from 11 April 2019 in the Statbank tables 07916 and 07920

As from 5 November 2019 the statistics ‘Wholesale and retail trade, structural statistics’ will be published with ‘Business statistics’.


Key figures

-1.8 %

fewer enterprises in wholesale and retail trade

Structural statistics for wholesale and retail trade, industry division 45-47. Final figures
2017Change in per cent
2016 - 20172013 - 2017
Number of enterpriser49 343-1.8-2.4
Employment (persons)390 3611.56.4
Turnover (NOK million)1 649 140.55.315.4
Value added (NOK million)222 366.42.912.2
Gross operating surplus (NOK million)60 645.70.513.9
Local kind-of-activity units
Local KAUs65 329-0.9-0.6
Employment (persons)391 6341.16.1
Turnover (NOK million)1 695 944.84.916.5
Compensation of employees (NOK million)163
Gross investments (NOK million)12 914.36.319.3

See selected tables from this statistics

Table 1 
Principal figures, by industry group. Local kind-of-activity units

Principal figures, by industry group. Local kind-of-activity units1
Local kind-of-activity unitsEmploymentTurnover (NOK million)2Compensation of employees (NOK million)Gross investments (NOK million)
1Figures at a more detailed industry level you will find in table 07916 in StatBank.
2VAT is not included.
Total201765 329391 6341 695 944.8163 201.512 914.3
 201665 913387 5631 616 251.8158 373.112 150.7
45 Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles201710 08151 524259 094.726 612.81 886.6
 20169 97450 084238 466.525 341.62 028.6
46 Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles201718 811107 494947 412.469 809.15 801.8
 201619 085107 967899 510.368 299.24 709.0
47 Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles201736 437232 616489 437.766 779.55 225.7
 201636 854229 512478 275.064 732.15 413.0

Table 2 
Principal figures, by number of persons employed and industry division. Local-kind-of-activity units

Principal figures, by number of persons employed and industry division. Local-kind-of-activity units1
Local kind-of-activity unitsEmploymentTurnover (NOK million)2Compensation of employees (NOK million)Gross investments (NOK million)
1Figures at a more detailed industry level you will find in table 07917 in StatBank
2VAT is not included
45-47 Wholesale and retail trade: repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Total65 329391 6341 695 944.8163 201.512 914.1
0-9 employed53 867150 357453 770.750 659.13 774.4
10-19 employed8 129107 730385 566.341 833.92 358.4
20-49 employed2 76477 940379 676.737 413.32 669.9
50-249 employed54747 744383 392.227 900.63 579.4
250 or more employed227 86393 538.75 394.5532.0
45 Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Total10 08151 524259 094.726 612.81 886.6
0-9 employed8 52719 88667 139.07 955.1662.3
10-19 employed1 03813 81762 739.57 328.2354.1
20-49 employed45113 01484 232.18 002.9452.4
50-249 employed654 80744 984.03 326.6417.9
250 or more employed000.00.00.0
46 Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Total18 811107 494947 412.469 809.15 801.8
0-9 employed16 11432 452229 740.717 195.41 257.3
10-19 employed1 58621 070138 575.413 047.4427.2
20-49 employed84524 576194 328.316 880.51 206.9
50-249 employed25123 968299 229.118 276.72 488.8
250 or more employed155 42885 538.84 409.0421.7
47 Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Total36 437232 616489 437.766 779.55 225.7
0-9 employed29 22698 019156 891.025 508.61 854.8
10-19 employed5 50572 843184 251.421 458.21 577.1
20-49 employed1 46840 350101 116.312 530.01 010.6
50-249 employed23118 96939 179.16 297.3672.8
250 or more employed72 4357 999.9985.5110.3

Table 3 
Principal figures for the industrial section, by county. Local kind-of-activity units

Principal figures for the industrial section, by county. Local kind-of-activity units
Local kind-of-activity unitsEmployed personsTurnover (NOK million)1Compensation of employees (NOK million)Gross investments (NOK million)
1VAT is not included.
2Svalbard, Jan Mayen and the Norwegian continental shelf.
The whole country65 329391 6341 695 944.8163 201.512 914.1
Østfold3 96719 54266 648.97 630.2456.1
Akershus8 21357 303340 891.729 298.52 913.7
Oslo8 90763 542376 961.833 601.62 847.6
Hedmark2 42213 08947 829.54 735.5428.0
Oppland2 32612 84736 342.54 545.8301.4
Buskerud4 06621 68078 862.08 683.9628.0
Vestfold3 30217 97872 215.17 310.6549.2
Telemark2 28511 68733 396.04 116.8253.1
Aust-Agder1 4667 68824 773.72 684.4238.8
Vest-Agder2 52213 40739 455.54 649.6350.8
Rogaland5 34631 411108 198.011 969.01 249.4
Hordaland5 46834 263151 577.612 965.3684.0
Sogn og Fjordane1 3546 85226 092.62 297.7176.1
Møre og Romsdal3 25817 81874 710.36 759.8537.2
Sør-Trøndelag (-2017)3 42522 16683 894.58 510.1537.3
Nord-Trøndelag (-2017)1 5708 38123 109.12 800.1227.1
Nordland2 70915 64651 705.45 122.5350.0
Troms - Romsa1 78211 59945 413.73 989.023.4
Finnmark - Finnmárku9144 59713 470.81 469.4168.5
Other Norwegian territories227138395.861.8-5.6

Table 4 
Principal figures, by industry group. Enterprises

Principal figures, by industry group. Enterprises1
EnterprisesEmployed personsTurnover (NOK million)2Compensation of employees (NOK million)Production value (NOK million)Value added (NOK million)Gross investments (NOK million)
1Figures at a more detailed industry level you will find in table 07920 in StatBank
2VAT is not included.
Total201749 343390 3611 649 140.5161 720.8465 309.9222 366.412 872.9
 201650 239384 6371 565 428.2155 784.3450 191.2216 123.312 070.3
45 Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles20178 76451 530259 444.926 573.477 462.736 990.81 893.5
 20168 68449 958238 639.825 261.874 192.935 583.02 020.2
46 Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles201716 610106 697896 512.968 087.6229 408.1100 309.65 768.6
 201616 959105 371843 245.965 270.1221 323.396 365.04 429.6
47 Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles201723 969232 134493 182.767 059.8158 439.285 066.15 210.8
 201624 596229 308483 542.565 252.4154 675.084 175.35 620.5

Table 5 
Principal figures, by number of persons employed and industry group. Enterprises

Principal figures, by number of persons employed and industry group. Enterprises1
EnterprisesEmployedTurnover (NOK million)2Compensation of employees (NOK million)Production value (mill. NOK)Value added (mill. NOK)Gross investments (NOK million)
1Figures at a more detailed industry level you will find in table 07921 in StatBank.
2VAT is not included.
45-47 Wholesale and retail trade: repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Total49 343390 3611 649 140.5161 720.8465 309.9222 366.412 872.9
0-9 employed42 45895 011298 487.132 039.0101 589.044 695.22 263.3
10-19 employed4 46159 183221 564.923 744.168 299.431 360.41 021.1
20-49 employed1 69248 330262 090.424 216.069 585.533 694.71 462.1
50-249 employed56657 189364 894.230 089.798 838.742 912.92 799.2
250 or more employed166130 648502 103.751 631.9126 997.369 703.35 327.1
45 Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Total8 76451 530259 444.926 573.477 462.736 990.81 893.5
0-9 employed7 72715 84245 890.85 741.619 428.78 124.0511.0
10-19 employed6088 10233 377.14 043.611 941.15 201.3225.6
20-49 employed2948 66858 810.94 947.914 092.16 652.6217.3
50-249 employed11410 94660 622.76 647.216 533.98 830.0436.1
250 or more employed217 97260 743.55 193.015 466.88 182.9503.5
46 Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Total16 610106 697896 512.968 087.6229 408.1100 309.65 768.6
0-9 employed14 56725 851173 054.013 171.048 959.120 545.11 001.8
10-19 employed1 12715 03999 729.99 566.530 910.713 276.6319.0
20-49 employed63718 745154 832.013 195.040 679.519 218.2948.1
50-249 employed24124 090265 728.817 338.368 698.426 674.71 950.9
250 or more employed3822 972203 168.214 816.840 160.320 595.01 548.7
47 Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Total23 969232 134493 182.767 059.8158 439.285 066.15 210.8
0-9 employed20 16453 31879 542.513 126.333 201.116 026.2750.5
10-19 employed2 72636 04288 458.010 134.025 447.612 882.5476.5
20-49 employed76120 91748 447.56 073.114 813.97 823.9296.7
50-249 employed21122 15338 542.86 104.213 606.47 408.2412.2
250 or more employed10799 704238 192.031 622.171 370.240 925.43 274.9

About the statistics

The structural statistics on wholesale and retail trade are a part of Statistics Norway’s industrial statistics, and provide detailed information about the activity in the sector. The statistics include figures for local KAUs and enterprises, and are used as a basis in the national accounts.


Definitions of the main concepts and variables

In the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) an enterprise is the smallest combination of legal entities that is an organizational unit producing goods or services, which benefits from a certain degree of autonomy in decision making.

Local kind-of-activity unit (local KAU)
SIC defines a local KAU as a functional unit, which at a single physical location is engaged primarily in activities within a specific activity group.

Location is according to municipal borders at 1 January in the reference year. In some industry divisions an enterprise can do business in several municipalities and counties without being divided into several KAUs. In such cases the enterprise's combined operations are registered where the enterprise has its office address.

Owners without regular pay who work for the enterprise on a daily basis 
Owners include owners of sole proprietorships, or general partnerships, and family members who work for the enterprise on a daily basis without receiving regular wages. Co-owners of limited companies and cooperatives who are paid for working for the enterprise are not included, nor are family members of owners of sole proprietorships or general partnerships when they receive regular wages.

An employee is a person that works for an employer and receive compensation in the form of wages, pay, fee, bonuses, payment in kind etc. The number of employees in the structural statistics shows an average of the number that has been employed throughout the year.

Temporary staff from employment agencies are not included in the employment figures.

The employment is the sum of owners and employees working in the unit.

Part-time employees
Employees are defined as part-time if they work less than 30 hours per week.

The figures include the number of man-years worked by the employees in an enterprise.

Turnover is defined as the sum of remuneration for rendering of services to customers and sales of merchandise, and gross income from other activities. Rental income, commissions and special taxes are included, while subsidies and profits from sales of business assets are not. VAT is not included in the statistics.


Merchandise is goods bought and resold with no added value.

Compensation of employees
Compensation of employees includes wages, holiday pay, fees, etc., employer's national insurance contribution, reportable pension costs and other personnel costs. Compensation of employees does not include remuneration to owners of sole proprietorships or partnerships or to family members without regular wages.

Production value
Production value means sales corrected for changes in stocks of finished goods, work in progress, and goods and services purchased for resale. Purchases of goods and services for resale are deducted, while capitalized own investment work is added.


Value added
Value added is figured as the sum of production value less the purchase of goods and services (for other goods and services than those purchased for resale) and special public taxes, and corrected for changes in stocks of raw materials and consumer goods. Special public subsidies for manufactured/sold merchandise and other public subsidies/reimbursements are included.


Gross investments
Gross investments are the total value of new capital goods such as buildings and plant, machinery, tools, implements, software, vehicles (except for personal use), both new and used. Improvements are added while sales of used capital stock are deducted. Investment figures are minus incoming value added tax.

This includes investments in new assets and improvements of own assets.

New investments include all newly acquired fixed assets acquired and completed in the course of the year, excluding investments in unimproved property. In assessing the value of the business asset, cost price is used for purchases and production cost for own manufactures. Acquisitions through financial leasing are included when the asset is entered as an asset in the balance sheet.

Improvement of own assets includes the value of all capitalized improvements and major repairs purchased and executed by others and/or undertaken by own employees on own business assets. A precondition is that such improvements increase the efficiency/value of and/or prolong the lifetime of the business asset. The improvement is estimated at purchase price at time of purchase or at production cost when it is manufactured.

Sale of business assets
Sale of business assets is estimated at the sales value (replacement value) upon realization of used business assets over the course of the year. The amount includes investment tax. The business asset is regarded as sold when it is delivered.

Standard classifications

The Standard Industrial Classification used in Statistics Norway (SN2007) is based on the EU standard NACE Rev. 2 and the UN standard ISIC Rev. 4.

Administrative information

Name and topic

Name: Wholesale and retail trade, structural statistics
Topic: Wholesale and retail trade and service activities

Responsible division

Division for Structural Business Statistics

Regional level

National level. Region and county level for some of the main variables. Other variables at the county and municipal level may be ordered.

Frequency and timeliness

Annual. Preliminary figures are presented 10 months after the end of the reference period, final figures within 18 months after the end of the reference period.

International reporting

The statistics are reported to EUROSTAT.


Primary data and the compiled statistics are stored temporarily in the programming language SAS, and stored permanently as text-files.


Background and purpose

The statistics offer a detailed overview on activity and structur in industry section G, Wholesale and Retail Trade, based on accounting figures. 

The statistics were first published in 1956, and have been published in the present form since 1995. Starting with reference year 2001, preliminary figures for the variables number of enterprises, turnover and employment has been published.

Users and applications

The annual structural statistics are based on the data needs of the annual national accounts and in accordance with the EU regulation on structural business statistics. In addition, ministries and various trade organizations want and need statistical data, and the public's need for information has to be met too. Industry and other users also commission customized wholesale and retail trade statistics from Statistics Norway, primarily at the municipal level.

Equal treatment of users

No external users have access to the statistics and analyses before they are published and accessible simultaneously for all users on ssb.no at 8 am. Prior to this, a minimum of three months' advance notice is given in the Statistics Release Calendar.

Coherence with other statistics

The structural statistics on wholesale and retail trade are a part of Statistics Norway industrial statistics, covering most industries. Short-term statistics are published for certain industries in addition to the structural statistics. These show figures for shorter periods than one year and usually for the entire country as a whole.

There may be some deviation between the structural statistics and the wholesale and retail trade sales statistics. This is because some of the enterprises in the structural statistics use an deviating accounting year, while the wholesale and retail trade sales statistics follows the calendar year.

Accounting statistics are also compiled for the wholesale and retail trade. There are some systematic differences between the structural statistics and accounting statistics. The accounting statistics include only limited companies, while the structural statistics also include other organizational types. As a consequence, the amounts in the structural statistics will normally be higher than in the accounting statistics. The accounting statistics are only compiled at enterprise level, while the structural statistics are also compiled at the local KAU level. The results of regionalization derived from enterprises will differ from the results of regionalization derived from local KAU units. Comparisons between the structural statistics and the accounting statistics should therefor be made with reservation.

The structural statistics are used as a basis when compiling the national accounts.

The employment figures in the structural business statistics are not directly comparable with other employment statistics, such as the register-based employment statistics. The register-based employment statistics are based on people who are employed, while structural statistics say something about the companies and enterprises in the population. Users should be aware that definitions and methodology differs somewhat between the various statistics and therefore differences in the figures may occur. Definition of employees and number of persons employed can be found in the definitions section.

Legal authority

The Statistics Act, Sections 2-2, 2-3 and 3-2

EEA reference

EU Council regulation No 58/97 December 20, 1996.



The structural statistics for industry G Wholesale and retail trade are organized according to the standard industrial classification (SIC2007) and include the industry divisions:

45 Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles

46 Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles

47 Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles

The structural business statistics comprise most of the enterprises that are registered in the abovementioned industry division, as long as the enterprise was registered with activity in Norway in the relevant statistical year.

The exception is enterprises within the public service sectors 6100 and 6500. Such units are not included in the structural business statistics for wholesale and retail trade even though they should happen to have operations in the abovementioned industry.

However, all other enterprises in the public sector or owned by the public sector, i.e. units with sector codes 1110, 1120, 1510 og 1520,  are included in the statistics if they have activity in the abovementioned industry.

Preliminary figures are published at the enterprise level for 3-digit industry level, while the final figures are published both on the local KAU and enterprise level for several industry levels.

The EU's structural regulation primarily requires statistics at the enterprise level. Out of consideration to the national accounts and other norwegian users, statistics are also compiled at the local KAU level, for the variables employment, turnover, compensation of employees and investments.

Data sources and sampling

The population consists of all enterprises in the relevant industry divisions with registered activity in the reference year. The population is divided into subpopulations, called strata, after criteria like industrial classification and number of employees. On the basis of these strata, a representative sample of enterprises is drawn, and these are asked to submit a complete set of information: Income statement and a supplementary form. Draw probability varies between the different strata, but all enterprises with more than one local kind-of-activity unit (local KAU) are drawn regardless.

Information, like the accounts and turnover, about the enterprises with only one local KAU outside the sample is obtained from the following sources:

  • income statements electronically submitted to the Norwegian Tax Administration
  • the Register of Annual Company Accounts in The Brønnøysund Registers
  • the VAT Register

From the statistical year 2015 the number of employees is collected via  A-ordningen, where employers are obligated to submit monthly reports for everyone who receives wages and salaries. Previously, these figures were collected through the register of Employers and Employees. These two sources are not directly comparable.

Information about investments are collected from the Write-off form RF 1048B from the Norwegian Tax Administration.

The Register of Establishments and Enterprises at Statistics Norway is used to obtain necessary information about the population. The VAT Register, the Register of Business Enterprises, information from trade organizations and direct input from the enterprises are used to update the Register of Establishments and Enterprises.

Collection of data, editing and estimations

A complete set of statements (income statements with supplementary forms) is obtained from a sample of enterprises.

The supplementary forms are mainly collected electronically via the internet. Enterprises that do not respond are imposed a coercive fine.

Income statements and information from the Write-off form from the Tax Administration, turnover figures from enterprises in the VAT Register, annual company accounts from The Brønnøysund Registers and employment figures from the employer/employee register are all collected electronically.

Thorough checks and corrections of supplementary forms and income statements of the companies included in the sample are made. Particularly critical control items are industry code, employment, turnover, compensation of employees, other operating expenses and operating profit. In addition, figures for goods for resale (in the same condition as received) and investments are also checked and edited.  If necessary, further inquiries are made by contacting the respondent.

Data for the entire population are checked against figures from the previous year, and by looking at ratios between different variables. The end result are assessed against short-term statistics like the index of retail sales and the wholesale and retail trade sales statistics.

The data are not as thoroughly edited when the preliminary figures are published as they are when the final figures are published.

For the enterprises in the sample, where a complete income statement and supplementary form exists, no variables are estimated. For enterprises not in the sample, but where income statements are obtained, only variables from the supplementary form are estimated. For the remaining enterprises, all variables except turnover and employment are estimated on the basis of figures from the sample. For units which do not report employment to the register, but have salary figures or sales figures that indicate employment, the employment rate is calculated.

Turnover and employment are considered as known variables for all enterprises and are therefore used as a basis for computing missing variables. Previously an industry mean based on sample units was used to estimate missing data for non-sample units (ratio estimates). As of the statistical year 2011 the method is based on finding a sample unit similar to the non-sample unit to be estimated, based on a set of criteria, and using the sample-unit to estimate the missing values (nearest neighbour estimation). The nearest neighbour criterion is industry combined with the turnover/employment ratio, in that order.

Seasonal adjustment

Not relevant


If less than three units represents a statistical variable or one or two units dominate, no economic variables are published. The reason is the risk that the units can be identified.

Comparability over time and space

Up until the reference year 2001, the Standard Industrial Classification 1994 (SIC94)  was used. From the reference year 2002 until the reference year 2007  the Standard Industrial Classification 2002 (SIC2002) was used. This means that not all industries are comparable backwards on 4 - and 5 - digit level . This is indicated by a break in the tables that are affected.  The change of classification had no influence on 2- digit level. Nor were there any changes on the 3-digit level, except that two industries got a different code.

Starting with reference year 2008, The Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (SIC2007) has been used. The main change in wholesale and retail trade is that petrol stations have become part of the retail sector. In addition, some industries have been split to give better industry statistics. As an example, sporting goods stores and kiosks have been split into own subclasses.

Previously, investments were collected from the sample, as part of the supplementary form, and then estimated for the rest of the population. Starting with the year 2008, figures for gross investments are collected from the Write-off blankett RF 1048B from the Tax Administration. This source provides more accurate figures for investments.

From the statistical year 2015 the number of employees is collected via A-ordningen, Previously, these figures were collected through the register of Employers and Employees. These two sources are not directly comparable.

Preliminary figures are published while data are still under revision, and may therefore deviate from the final figures that are published within 18 months of the end of the reference year. Preliminary data for the enterprises in the sample that has not yet responded at the time of publishing are estimated by using other sources.

Accuracy and reliability

Sources of error and uncertainty

The results of a statistical survey will as a rule contain some measurement, processing and sampling errors.

Measurement errors occur when the provider of the data gives erroneous answers due to forgetfulness, misunderstanding of the question etc.

Processing errors are errors from coding or errors that occur during the transferring of information from the questionnaire to the machine-readable medium or during editing.

Non-response will always be a factor in form-based surveys. This is because some respondents either do not return their forms or return them incompletely filled out. The enterprises that do no not return their forms are treated like the enterprises outside the sample.

Sampling errors is the uncertainty that occurs when the figures are produced on the basis of a sample of data, and not the whole population. The sampling error is the expected deviation between the result of the sample and the result if the whole population were examined.

Imbalances in the sample (e.g. misleading stratification) can cause errors for the variables for which information has not been obtained for all units in the population. Statistics Norway assumes explicitly by the imputation that enterprises outside the sample have the same cost and income structure as enterprises in the sample.

In the structural business statistics The Register of Establishments and Enterprises at Statistics Norway, the Register of Business Enterprises, the Register of Annual Company Accounts in The Brønnøysund Registers, the VAT Register and the employer/employee register (the AA Register) are all used in order to define the population and help collect the necessary data.

Errors in these administrative registers - like time gaps in registration, incorrectly identified unit characteristics etc. may therefore be a potential source of uncertainty in the statistics and may for instance have an impact when dividing the population into adequate strata.


Not relevant