Wholesale and retail trade and service activities

Other service activities, turnover (discontinued)1st period 2009


About the statistics


Name and topic

Name: Other service activities, turnover (discontinued)
Topic: Wholesale and retail trade and service activities

Responsible division

Division for Structural Business Statistics

Definitions of the main concepts and variables

Turnover: Includes dutiable and duty-free sales income from goods and services. Financial revenues, public subsidies or value added tax are not included.

Standard classifications

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC2007). http://www.ssb.no/nace/ The statistics are published in tables with 4-digit industry codes.

Administrative information

Regional level

National level. Breakdown of data on the level of counties: Hairdressing and other beauty treatment.

Frequency and timeliness

Frequency: Bi-monthly

Timeliness: The Statistic is disseminated about 16 weeks after the end of the period. Revised figures are disseminated 2 and 4 months after the first dissemination.

International reporting

Not relevant


Information about the units (micro level) and the population is stored in the programme language SAS.


Background and purpose

The statistics are supposed to map out the level and development in turnover within other service activities. The numbers for repair of computers and personal and household goods starts in 2008, while other personal services activites starts in 1998.

Users and applications

Public services, private organizations and individuals use the statistics. The Section for National accounts at Statistics Norway is another important user.

Coherence with other statistics

The statistics is being worked out simultaneously as statistics for other VAT bound industries. The distribution key for the turnover for businesses within enterprises is being collected from Statistic Norway's Business Register annual file. Data on employment are gathered from the Register of Employees and Employers (the AA-register).

Legal authority

The Statistics Act, Section 3-2

EEA reference

Not relevant



The population consists of units registered in the VAT register within repair of computers and personal and household goods (95) and other personal activities (96) according to the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC2007). Units owned by the public, at national, regional or local level are excluded from the population. The statistical unit is as a rule identical to the reporting unit, i.e. an enterprise with a turnover exceeding NOK 50 000 a year.

Data sources and sampling

The VAT register

Full census survey.

Collection of data, editing and estimations

The statistics are register-based. The questionnaires containing information about turnover are sent to the respective county tax offices. The county tax offices transmit data to the Directorate of Taxes once a week. Statistics Norway receives data from the Directorate of Taxes two times each period. The deadline for sending questionnaires to the county tax offices is 1 month and 10 days after the end of the period. The data are sent to Statistics Norway about three weeks later.

Turnover is controlled against earlier received data. If the divergence is considerable, the individual VAT-unit is contacted. Information from the VAT-register is controlled against the Central register of Establishments and Enterprises and the Central Coordinating Register for Legal Entities.

For the bimonthly statistics the data anre summed up. When a VAT-unit consists of more than one active firm, the data is being divided according to registered turonover in the last annual data file from the Central register of Establishments and Enterprises or the Register of Employees and Employers ( the AA-register).


If a table cell consists of less then three observations, the data for the actual table cell are not being published. This is necessary because it would be possible to identify the individual data from the actual enterprises. This is particularly important for regional data.

Comparability over time and space

Previously, the information to the Norwegian Tax Administration and the local tax administrations only included turnover affected by VAT-legislation. From the 1st period in 2001, the turnover figures are based on information both affected by VAT-legislation and information that is not. Because of this, the figures from the1st period in 2001 and onwards are not fully comparable with previous periods.

Accuracy and reliability

Sources of error and uncertainty

Measurement errors (the respondent gives erroneous data) and processing errors (wrong interpretation of digits and letters written on paper forms during optical scanning) may occur. These types of errors are tried to avoid through control routines, as explained in chapter 3.5. Another possible error may occur, it there are used out of date distribution formulas to divide turnover in cases where a VAT-unit consists of more than one firms.

The County Revenue Office is contacted in cases where big enterprises have failed to respond. For the first and second time publication, unit non-response is imputated. By the third and last publication, the turnover for unit non-response is set to cero.

There are no sampling errors in the statistics because all units are included.

Enterprises and local KAUs can be classified with wrong industrial code in the Central Register of Establishments and Enterprises.