Wholesale and retail trade and service activities;Income and consumption;National accounts and business cycles
Household consumption of goods went up 1.0 per cent from October to November, according to seasonally adjusted figures. Much of the increase was due to a marked rise in the consumption of electricity.

Index of household consumption of goodsNovember 2016



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List of Tables
NumberTable titleNew window ExcelCSV
Table 1Index of household consumption of goods. Main table. Percentage volume change from the previous month. Seasonally adjusted. 2005=100fullscreen-iconIndex of household consumption of goods. Main table. Percentage volume change from the previous month. Seasonally adjusted. 2005=100excel-iconIndex of household consumption of goods. Main table. Percentage volume change from the previous month. Seasonally adjusted. 2005=100csv-iconIndex of household consumption of goods. Main table. Percentage volume change from the previous month. Seasonally adjusted. 2005=100
Table 2Index of household consumption of goods. Volume index. Unadjusted. 2005=100fullscreen-iconIndex of household consumption of goods. Volume index. Unadjusted. 2005=100excel-iconIndex of household consumption of goods. Volume index. Unadjusted. 2005=100csv-iconIndex of household consumption of goods. Volume index. Unadjusted. 2005=100
Table 3Index of household consumption of goods. Percentage volume change from the same month in the previous year. Unadjusted. 2005=100fullscreen-iconIndex of household consumption of goods. Percentage volume change from the same month in the previous year. Unadjusted. 2005=100excel-iconIndex of household consumption of goods. Percentage volume change from the same month in the previous year. Unadjusted. 2005=100csv-iconIndex of household consumption of goods. Percentage volume change from the same month in the previous year. Unadjusted. 2005=100
Table 4Index of household consumption of goods. Volume index. Seasonally adjusted. 2005=100fullscreen-iconIndex of household consumption of goods. Volume index. Seasonally adjusted. 2005=100excel-iconIndex of household consumption of goods. Volume index. Seasonally adjusted. 2005=100csv-iconIndex of household consumption of goods. Volume index. Seasonally adjusted. 2005=100
Table 5Index of household consumption of goods. Percentage volume change from the previous month. Seasonally adjusted. 2005=100fullscreen-iconIndex of household consumption of goods. Percentage volume change from the previous month. Seasonally adjusted. 2005=100excel-iconIndex of household consumption of goods. Percentage volume change from the previous month. Seasonally adjusted. 2005=100csv-iconIndex of household consumption of goods. Percentage volume change from the previous month. Seasonally adjusted. 2005=100

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