NOK 100 billion in dividends to Norwegian households
Establishments, enterprises and accounts;Banking and financial markets
aksjer, Shares and dividend payments, limited companies, public limited companies, share capital, share dividends, share premium, shares, shareholders, stockholders, protection allowanceSecurities markets , Ownership and roles , Banking and financial markets, Establishments, enterprises and accounts

Shares and dividend payments2005, preliminary figures



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NOK 100 billion in dividends to Norwegian households

Norwegian limited companies paid out NOK 243 billion of dividends in 2005, compared to NOK 165 billion the previous year. Households and non-profit institutions serving households, received NOK 98 billion, an increase of NOK 34 billion compared to 2004. Foreign shareholders got about NOK 43 billion, about NOK 8 billion more than the previous year.

The large increase in dividends is most likely due to the changes in the Tax Act commencing from 2006. As of fiscal year 2006, households will be assessed tax on dividends higher than a certain yield.

Highest dividends from real estate and business activities

Limited companies involved in real estate and business activities paid the highest dividends in 2005, with NOK 63 billion. This was an increase of NOK 26 billion or 70 per cent compared to 2004. As a comparison, limited companies in oil and gas extraction paid out NOK 57 billion, an increase of NOK 16 billion.

Stable composition of owners

Total nominal share capital in Norwegian limited companies amounted to NOK 584 billion in 2005. Norwegian corporations owned 62 per cent of the nominal share capital, Norwegian households owned 14 per cent, foreign shareholders 13 per cent and the general government owned 9 per cent. This was about the same as in 2004.

New tax rules

The industry financial intermediation saw an increase in nominal share capital of NOK 17 billion or 22 per cent from 2004 to 2005. This is probably due to changes in the tax rules leading to many newly established holding companies.

About the statistical basis

The statistics presents preliminary figures for 2005 and final figures for 2004, and is based on data from the Directorate of Taxes' Register of Shareholders. The statistics include Norwegian limited companies and public limited companies applicable to the RISK-regulation. In total, the statistics cover about 165 000 limited companies in 2005. The statistics include only limited companies that have submitted the Shareholder Register form. According to the Central Register of Establishments and Enterprises there were about 181 000 active limited companies per 31.12.2005.
