Almost 500 000 establishments in Norway
Establishments, enterprises and accounts
bedrifter, Establishments, employees, establishments by size, establishments by industryEstablishments and enterprises , Establishments, enterprises and accounts

Establishments1 January 2010



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Almost 500 000 establishments in Norway

The number of establishments registered in Norway amounted to 481 720 as per 1 January 2010. Most establishments were within wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles.

Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles was the largest industry, with approximately 69 500 establishments.

Increase in all counties

All counties had an increase in the number of establishments compared to last year. The county of Akershus had the largest increase with 4.8 per cent. Sogn og Fjordane had the lowest increase with 1.5 per cent.

Oslo had the largest share of establishments with 14 per cent. Finnmark had the lowest share with about 1.6 per cent.

Many establishments without employees

A large share of the establishments, especially within the sector agriculture, forestry and fishing, had no employees. Many establishments are linked to personally owned enterprises, mostly sole proprietorships, where the business owner is not defined as an employee.

More tables in StatBank

Figures by industrial activity code, size groups, counties and municipalities are available in StatBank.


An establishment is defined as a local kind-of-activity unit, which mainly conducts activities within a specific industry group.

Relationship between enterprise and establishment

An enterprise is a legal unit. Examples of enterprises are limited company and sole proprietorship. An enterprise can be linked to more then one establishment if it is involved in activities in different geographic locations or within different industries.
