Small increase in number of establishments
Establishments, enterprises and accounts
bedrifter, Establishments, employees, establishments by size, establishments by industryEstablishments and enterprises , Establishments, enterprises and accounts

Establishments1 January 2011



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Small increase in number of establishments

There were 485 907 registered establishments in Norway as per 1 January 2011; an increase from the previous year of 4 187 or 0.9 per cent. Five of Norway’s 19 counties had a decrease in the number of establishments.

The number of establishments in Norway

The county of Finnmark had the lowest number of establishments, with about 7 700. This county also had the largest decrease from the previous year, with 1.9 per cent.

The largest share of establishments was localised in the counties of Oslo and Akershus, with 14 and 10 per cent respectively. Akershus had the largest increase with 2.1 per cent.

From 1 January 2003 to 1 January 2011, the number of establishments in Norway increased by about 60 000, or 14 per cent. Vest-Agder, Rogaland and Akershus have all had an increase of over 20 per cent. They are thus the counties with the highest increase in this nine year period.

Big increase within arts, entertainment and recreation

In 2009 there were 15 231 establishments within arts, entertainment and recreation. In these industries there has been an increase of 23 per cent in the last two years. Creative and arts activities have the largest increase among these, with 30 per cent.

Many establishments belonging to sole proprietorships and private limited companies

Thirty-seven per cent of the establishments belonged to private limited companies and 48 per cent belonged to sole proprietorships. About 84 per cent of the private limited companies’ local units were linked to enterprises with only one local unit, while almost all of the sole proprietorships’ local units were linked to enterprises with only one local unit.

Many establishments had zero employees. This was particularly common within agriculture, forestry and fishing, where 64 per cent of the establishments had zero employees at the start of 2011.

More tables in StatBank

Figures by industrial activity code, size, county and municipality are available in the StatBank.

These statistics comprise establishments on the Norwegian mainland.


An establishment is defined as a local kind of activity unit, which mainly conducts activities within a specific industry group.

Relationship between enterprise and establishment

An enterprise is a legal unit. Examples of enterprises are limited company and sole proprietorship. An enterprise can be linked to more then one establishment if it is involved in activities in different geographic locations or within different industries.
