Establishments, enterprises and accounts;Immigration and immigrants

Ownership and roles in business enterprise sector (discontinued)1 January 2013



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List of Tables
NumberTable titleNew window ExcelCSV
Table 1Number of owners in personally owned enterprises and number of shareholders in public and private limited companies.fullscreen-iconNumber of owners in personally owned enterprises and number of shareholders in public and private limited companies.excel-iconNumber of owners in personally owned enterprises and number of shareholders in public and private limited companies.csv-iconNumber of owners in personally owned enterprises and number of shareholders in public and private limited companies.
Table 2Owners of personally owned enterprises by organizational structure, sex, age, national backgroud and level of educationfullscreen-iconOwners of personally owned enterprises by organizational structure, sex, age, national backgroud and level of educationexcel-iconOwners of personally owned enterprises by organizational structure, sex, age, national backgroud and level of educationcsv-iconOwners of personally owned enterprises by organizational structure, sex, age, national backgroud and level of education
Table 32 Number of enterprises by number of employees, economic activity and owners sexfullscreen-icon2 Number of enterprises by number of employees, economic activity and owners sexexcel-icon2 Number of enterprises by number of employees, economic activity and owners sexcsv-icon2 Number of enterprises by number of employees, economic activity and owners sex
Table 4Number of enterprises by number of employees, economic activity and owners national backgroundfullscreen-iconNumber of enterprises by number of employees, economic activity and owners national backgroundexcel-iconNumber of enterprises by number of employees, economic activity and owners national backgroundcsv-iconNumber of enterprises by number of employees, economic activity and owners national background
Table 5Shareholders in public and private limited companies, by gender and sharefullscreen-iconShareholders in public and private limited companies, by gender and shareexcel-iconShareholders in public and private limited companies, by gender and sharecsv-iconShareholders in public and private limited companies, by gender and share

For more tables: Go to StatBank