This is an archived release.
Three out of ten newly established enterprises in Oslo and Akershus
A total of 57 900 enterprises were established in 2015, which was an increase of 6 per cent compared to the previous year. Most of the newly established enterprises were in Oslo and Akershus, with 34 per cent in total.
2015 | Change from the previous year | |
Number of enterprises | Per cent | |
Number of enterprises as of January 1 | 402 513 | 0.2 |
Newly-established enterprises | 57 866 | 6.1 |
2014 | Change from the previous year | |
Enterprise closures | 52 685 | 9.5 |

Approximately 21 700 private limited companies and 34 100 sole proprietorships were established in 2015, which made up 97 per cent of newly established enterprises. The number of newly established Norwegian divisions of foreign enterprises was about 1 000, which was the same as in the preceding year.
Most of the newly established enterprises were in professional, scientific and technical activities, and construction, with 15 and 14 per cent respectively.
Enterprise closures increased
There were 52 700 enterprise closures in 2014, which was 10 per cent more than in 2013. The number of enterprise closures rose in all counties. The greatest percentage increase was in Akershus, Troms and Nord-Trøndelag, with 13 per cent each. Oslo and Akershus had 30 per cent of the enterprise closures.
Sole proprietorships and private limited companies constituted 93 per cent of the enterprise closures.
Most enterprise closures were in professional, scientific and technical activities, and construction, with 14 and 13 per cent respectively.
One out of two enterprises are private limited companies
There were 402 500 enterprises as of 1 January 2015, of which 50 per cent were private limited companies and 44 per cent were sole proprietorships. The number of Norwegian divisions of foreign enterprises went down by 18 per cent from 1 January 2014.
Three out of ten enterprises were in Oslo and Akershus. Most of the enterprises were in construction, wholesale and retail trade, and real estate activities, with 14, 13, and 13 per cent respectively.
The figures include all enterprises except enterprises in agriculture, forestry, fishing and public administration.
This page has been discontinued, see Enterprises, Quarterly.
Håkon Frøysa Skullerud
tel.: (+47) 41 43 59 39
Salah Eddine Ziade
tel.: (+47) 21 09 48 35