355 332 enterprises in 2001
Establishments, enterprises and accounts
foretak, Enterprises, employees, turnover, enterprise size, enterprise by industry, organisational forms (for example limited company, sole proprietorship, Norwegian-registered foreign enterprise), new businesses, change of ownership, new registrations, high growth enterprises, ceased trading, disposals, closures, new enterprisesEstablishments and enterprises , Establishments, enterprises and accounts




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355 332 enterprises in 2001

The number of enterprises amounted to 355 332 in 2001. They had a total of 1 631 034 employees and NOK 2 935,4 1 billion in turnover. Most enterprises were registered within agriculture, other business activities, construction and retail trade. The figures include all enterprises except public administration.

These figures are collected from the Central Register of Establishments and Enterprises (CRE) at Statistics Norway.

Most enterprises within agriculture, but most employees within retail trade

Most enterprises were registered within agriculture - 17 per cent, but they employed only four per cent of the total, and account for only one per cent of the total turnover. 10 per cent of all enterprises were registered within other business activities, 10 per cent within construction and nine per cent within retail trade.

Retail trade had the largest numbers of employees, 11 per cent, other business activities, 10 per cent and construction 8 per cent.

Extraction of oil, crude petroleum and natural gas accounted for 19 per cent of the total turnover, wholesale trade 17 per cent.

Seven per cent of the enterprises were registered within manufacturing, and they employed 18 per cent of all employees and accounted for 18 per cent of the total revenue. Wholesale and retail trade made up 16 per cent of all enterprises, 21 per cent of all employees and 30 per cent of total turnover.

Sole proprietorships and public limited companies most common

More than half of all enterprises were sole proprietorships, but they employed only 14 per cent of all employees and only four per cent of the total turnover. 35 per cent of the enterprises were private limited companies, and they accounted for two thirds of all employees and 71 per cent of the total turnover. Less than one per cent of the enterprises were public limited companies, but they employed four per cent of all employees and accounted for ten per cent of total turnover.

Nine out of ten enterprises were sole proprietorships, private limited companies or public limited companies, and they accounted for 85 per cent all employees and 84 per cent of the total turnover.

More in StatBank

In StatBank figures are also available by economic activity code, legal form, size class, on national and county level.

1  Corrected 12 November 2007.
