Ordinary income unchanged
Establishments, enterprises and accounts
ifaksje, Income and deductions for companies, income from self-employment, taxable income, tax position, deductions, tax return accounts, reducing balance depreciationCorporate tax , Establishments, enterprises and accounts

Income and deductions for companies2001



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Ordinary income unchanged

Total ordinary income of the joint-stock companies amounted to NOK 76 billion in 2001, and stayed unchanged from the year before. Positive ordinary income or taxable income amounted to a total of NOK 126 billion, while negative ordinary income amounted to NOK 50 billion.

Taxable income for joint-stock companies was NOK 301 billion in 2001. This was a decline of NOK 5.5 billion compared with comparable figures from 2000. Entrepreneurial income was reduced by NOK 16 billion, but had the largest share of taxable income, with 52 per cent or NOK 156 billion. Capital income amounted to NOK 76 billion and received intra-group contribution to NOK 67 billion. Other income had a share less than 1 per cent of taxable income.

Income deductions

Income deductions were close to NOK 135 billion. Of this, interest paid had a greater part with 56 per cent, or NOK 75 billion. Entrepreneurial deficit had a share of 43 per cent. Other deductions ended at a little over NOK 1 billion, or 1 per cent of income deductions.

Previous years deficit and paid intra-group contribution

Deduction for previous years deficit was NOK 22 billion, a reduction of NOK 12 billion from 2000. This reduced income after income deductions with 13 per cent, a considerable decline compared with the year before. Paid intra-group contribution increased by NOK 9 billion from 2000 to 2001 and ended at NOK 68 billion. Paid intra-group contribution reduced the income after previous years deficit with 47 per cent in 2001.

Split-income enterprises

About one-third of the joint-stock companies were subject to the split-income rules. The share has had a downward tendency since the rules were established in 1992. The split-income companies had a share of 21 per cent or NOK 16 billion of ordinary income. Calculated personal income for active owners was negative and amounted to NOK 2 billion. Taxable calculated personal income amounted to NOK 6.6 billion, while negative calculated personal income amounted to NOK 8.6 billion. Entrepreneurial income used in the calculation of personal income was NOK 20 billion, while addition for capital expenses amounted to NOK 10.5 billion. Deduction for capital yield amounted to NOK 14 billion, deduction for capital income amounted to NOK 10.8 billion while deduction for wages and salaries amounted to NOK 5.9 billion.

About the statistics basis

The statistics is based on data from a sample of 41 301 enterprises. This is a considerable increase compared with previous surveys, when the sample consisted of about 7 000 enterprises. This has been possible since a large number of companies have reported the taxation data electronically in fiscal year 2001. When comparing the figures from various years one have to take into account changes done in the survey's population. For more information about the statistics basis, see About the statistics .
