Decrease in operating profit
Establishments, enterprises and accounts
regnaksje, Annual reports for non-financial limited companies, account statisticsAccounts , Establishments, enterprises and accounts

Annual reports for non-financial limited companies, account statistics2002



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Decrease in operating profit

Figures for joint-stock companies for the financial year 2002 show an 11 per cent decrease in operating profit. The operating profit margin fell from 8.9 to 7.8 per cent in the same period.

The operating income of non-financial joint-stock companies increased from NOK 2 318 billion in 2001 to NOK 2 354 billion in 2002. The increase is relatively modest compared with previous years.

Operating costs up

The operating costs of non-financial joint-stock companies went up from NOK 2 111 billion in 2001 to NOK 2 169 billion in 2002, a 3 per cent growth. Depreciation costs and write-down of tangible and intangible fixed assets had the strongest growth, rising from NOK 117 billion in 2001 to NOK 136 billion in 2002. Payroll expenses rose by 6.0 per cent.

Operating profit margin

Since the growth in operating costs exceeded the growth in operating income, operating profit decreased from NOK 207 billion to NOK 185 billion. The rise in the companies' operating income combined with a reduced operating profit resulted in a fall in operating profit margin from 8.9 per cent in 2001 to 7.8 per cent in 2002. Return on total assets fell from 7.4 to 6.7 per cent.

Reduced net profit

The total net profit of non-financial joint-stock companies fell from NOK 90 billion in 2001 to NOK 62 billion in 2002, or more than 30 per cent. Companies with a positive net profit had a total profit of NOK 188 billion. Companies with a deficit had a total loss of NOK 122 billion in 2002.
