Higher profitability
Establishments, enterprises and accounts
regnno, Accounting statistics for non-financial limited companies, operating income, operating expenses, operating profit, net profit, fixed assets, current assets, equity, liabilities, annual accounts, profit and loss account, balance sheet items, assetsAccounts , Establishments, enterprises and accounts

Accounting statistics for non-financial limited companies2012, preliminary figures



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Higher profitability

Profitability for non-financial limited companies rose in 2012 but was still lower than in the peak years of the mid-2000s.

Accounting statistics for non-financial limited companies
NOK millionPer cent
201220112011 - 2012
Income statement
Operating income4 826 2814 662 5033.5
Operating profit677 432619 6289.3
Operating profit before tax836 985714 46217.1
Net profit491 646358 32537.2
Balance sheet
Fixed assets6 915 2236 604 0594.7
Current assets2 694 0582 772 700-2.8
Equity3 981 6063 883 3982.5
Liabilities5 627 6755 493 3612.4
Per centPercentage points
Key figures
Operating profit margin14.013.30.7
Return on total assets10.19.20.9
Return on equity12.39.33.0
Equity ratio41.441.40.0
Figure 1. Return on equity for non-financial limited companies

Non-financial limited companies had higher operating profits in 2012 than in 2011. The operating profit margin as a percentage increased from 13.3 to 14.0. Coupled with an increase in net financial items, this resulted in a rise in net profit in 2012 compared to the previous year. Returns on equity consequently went up from 9.3 per cent in 2011 to 12.3 per cent in 2012, which was nevertheless lower than in the mid-2000s, when return on equity was approximately 20 per cent.

Highest profitability in petroleum activities and ocean transport

Profitability was highest in petroleum activities and ocean transport, where return on equity was 16.2 per cent in 2012. The corresponding figure for mainland Norway was 10.9 per cent. Returns on equity rose in mainland Norway but fell in petroleum activities and ocean transport. However, petroleum activities and ocean transport contributed 65 per cent of the operating profit and 52 per cent of the profits before tax in 2012.

New institutional sector classificationOpen and readClose

A new institutional sector classification was introduced in 2012. This had an impact on enterprises in portfolio investments, which were moved from the non-financial limited companies.