Weakest profit since 2008
Establishments, enterprises and accounts
regnno, Accounting statistics for non-financial limited companies, operating income, operating expenses, operating profit, net profit, fixed assets, current assets, equity, liabilities, annual accounts, profit and loss account, balance sheet items, assetsAccounts , Establishments, enterprises and accounts
Accounting statistics for non-financial limited companies provide an overview of economic aggregates.

Accounting statistics for non-financial limited companies2014



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Weakest profit since 2008

Net profit for non-financial limited companies declined substantially in 2014, and profitability was at its lowest since 2008. Mainland Norway, however, showed a surplus.

Accounting statistics for non-financial limited companies
NOK millionPer cent
201420132013 - 2014
Income statement
Operating income5 088 2154 943 4352.9
Operating profit488 663578 846-15.6
Operating profit before tax449 489744 766-39.6
Net profit195 969452 087-56.7
Balance sheet
Fixed assets7 889 6747 571 7744.2
Current assets3 016 1182 807 0647.4
Equity4 822 6664 625 3114.3
Liabilities6 083 1265 753 5265.7
Per centPercentage points
Key figures
Operating profit margin9.611.7-2.1
Return on total assets5.48.7-3.3
Return on equity4.29.9-5.7
Equity ratio44.244.6-0.4

Non-financial limited companies had a total profit of NOK 196 billion after taxes in 2014 – down from NOK 452 billion in the previous year. This is the lowest profit since 2008. Despite the surplus from operations, the operating profit went down by NOK 100 billion. Furthermore, the financial items gave a deficit of NOK 39 billion in 2014 – compared to a NOK 166 billion surplus in 2013. Consequently, return on equity was halved from 9.9 per cent in 2013 to 4.2 per cent in 2014. This is the lowest return on equity since 2000.

Profits in mainland Norway

Non-financial limited companies in mainland Norway had a positive net result of NOK 306 billion after tax. Activities in petroleum and shipping, however, had a deficit of NOK 110 billion. The profit in mainland Norway gave a return on equity of 8.4 per cent. However, this was a decline from 9.5 per cent in 2013, and was also lower than the average for the last five years. There was no return on equity for petroleum and shipping activities in the fiscal year 2014, and the value of the recorded equity was reduced by NOK 53 billion from 2013 to 2014.