Increased external liabilities
Establishments, enterprises and accounts;External economy
regnut, Accounting statistics, non-financial enterprises foreign financing, foreign debt, assets abroad, assets, foreign debt, foreign investments, bank deposits, country breakdownAccounts , Foreign assets and liabilities , Establishments, enterprises and accounts, External economy

Accounting statistics, non-financial enterprises foreign financingQ1 2007



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Increased external liabilities

At the end of the first quarter of 2007, the largest non-financial Norwegian companies had total external liabilities valued at NOK 562 billion. This was an increase of NOK 42 billion, or 8 per cent, from the fourth quarter of 2006.

At the end of the first quarter 2007, 71 per cent of the total external liabilities were long-term. Compared with the fourth quarter of 2006, the short-term external liabilities grew most, by NOK 25 billion or 18 per cent. The long-term external liabilities grew compared with fourth quarter of 2006 by NOK 17 billion, or 4.4 per cent.

Compared with the first quarter of 2006, there was an increase in total external liabilities of NOK 51 billion, or almost 10 per cent.

Assets in foreign countries were valued at NOK 834 billion. The value of fixed assets was 70 per cent of total assets in foreign countries. The value of fixed assets has increased through all quarters since 2005. The value of current assets fluctuates between the quarters.


About the statistical basis

The statistics are based on a survey of the 500 largest non-financial companies. The size of the company is measured by assets and liabilities in foreign countries, shares in foreign countries and shares owned by foreigners.


The data are based on accounting legislation, and the values do not necessarily give a good picture of the real or market value of the assets.
