More fixed assets abroad
Establishments, enterprises and accounts;External economy
regnut, Accounting statistics, non-financial enterprises foreign financing, foreign debt, assets abroad, assets, foreign debt, foreign investments, bank deposits, country breakdownAccounts , Foreign assets and liabilities , Establishments, enterprises and accounts, External economy
Accounting statistics, non-financial enterprises’ foreign financing shows Norwegian enterprises’ total assets and debt abroad.

Accounting statistics, non-financial enterprises foreign financingQ3 2015



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More fixed assets abroad

The value of Norwegian non-financial enterprises’ fixed assets abroad increased by 6.1 per cent during the 3rd quarter of 2015. Fixed assets cover assets that are included in the enterprises’ long-term plans, and are mainly intended for permanent ownership or use. In the same period, there was a decrease in the current assets, and the value of the total assets abroad was therefore almost unchanged compared to the previous quarter.

Assets and liabilities in foreign countries. NOK million. Preliminary figures1
3rd quarter 2015Change in per cent
2nd quarter 2015 - 3rd quarter 20153rd quarter 2014 - 3rd quarter 2015
1A new institutional sector classification has been introduced as from the first quarter of 2012. This may affect comparability with the previous periods.
Total assets1 516 7630.42.5
Fixed assets1 084 5206.1-1.3
Current assets432 243-11.413.5
Total liabilities1 483 7192.619.1
Long-term liabilities1 035 0064.917.5
Short-term liabilities448 713-2.423.0
Figure 1. Assets abroad1

Norwegian non-financial enterprises’ total liabilities were 2.6 per cent higher in the 3rd quarter of 2015 than in the 2nd quarter of 2015. At the end of the quarter, the total liabilities were NOK 1 484 billion.