Sharp reduction in tax deduction for received dividends
Establishments, enterprises and accounts
skattred, Tax statistics. Shipping companiesCorporate tax , Establishments, enterprises and accounts

Tax statistics. Shipping companies2001



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Sharp reduction in tax deduction for received dividends

Total tax deduction for received dividends for companies assessed pursuant to the special rules for shipping companies was NOK 16.2 million in 2001. This is NOK 57.9 million more than the previous year, which entailed an increase in assessed taxes after the special rules.

Total assessed taxes after deductions were NOK 364.3 million, an increase of 62.3 million from the year before. In other words, almost the entire tax growth was a result of reduction in tax deduction for received dividends.

Taxable income

Total taxable income increased by NOK 25.5 million to 873.2 million. Joint-stock companies covered by the regime are taxable on positive net financial income, dividend income and other taxable income. Positive financial income was NOK 600 million of which 318.2 million was allowance for high equity capital. Financial income was NOK 109.4 million less than the previous year, while allowance for high equity capital increased by NOK 146.2 million. The dividend income was NOK 216.1 million, an increase of 78.3 million. Other taxable income was NOK 57.1 million.

With that, total assessed taxes before deductions amounted to NOK 380.5 million, or 4.4 million more than in 2000. Of this total tonnage tax after reduction for rules about environmental standard was NOK 136 million, a decrease of 2.7 million from 2000.

Qualifying assets

In order to qualify for the regime the joint-stock company must have at least one asset. This can be ships, contractor vessels in service or drilling vessels, stakes in participant taxed companies, stakes in NOKUS-companies or shares in other joint-stock companies covered by the regime. In 2001, 1 897 qualifying assets were covered by the regime. About 1 100 of these were ships or contractor vessels in service or drilling vessels.

Number of companies following the special rules still decreased

The number of companies that followed the special rules decreased from 750 in 2000 to 733 in 2001. Of these, there were 505 joint-stock companies and 228 participant-taxed companies. These statistics only include income and taxes for joint-stock companies as each participant in the participant-taxed companies is taxed. The participants must be either Norwegian joint-stock companies or foreign activity without tax liability to Norway. 53 new companies entered the voluntary special tax regime in 2001, while 97 companies have followed this regime since it was established in 1996. 12 companies left the regime in 2001, after following it since the beginning.
