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Weekly Bulletin Is.19, 1996

More adoptees from Asia

A total of 898 children were adopted in Norway in 1995. This is 14 percent more than the year before. Two of three adopted children were from overseas.

Children adopted from Asia topped the statistics for the second year in a row, reversing the trend in the early 1990s, when most adoptees were from South America.

Of the 312 Asian children, the majority, 119, came from Korea. Seventy-three came from China, 47 from India, 36 from the Philippines and 37 from other countries in Asia. There has been an increase in adoptions from China and India. Other than that there were few changes. China sets itself apart from other countries concerning the distribution between the sexes: 96 percent of all children adopted from China in 1995 were girls.

Most from Colombia

In 1995, as in the previous four years, Colombia accounted for the largest number of children adopted from any single country, with 130. The number of adoptees from Colombia was, however, 20 percent lower in 1995 compared to the previous year.

New statistics

Adoptions, 1995.
Statistics are issued annually in the Weekly Bulletin of Statistics. More information: Trygve Kalve, tel. +47 21 09 46 49, e-mail: tak@ssb.no.

Weekly Bulletin Is.19, 1996