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Weekly Bulletin is. 22, 1996

Number of pigs and broilers on the rise

While the number of farms with livestock is dropping in Norway, production of both pigs and broiler hens is increasing.

The number of breeding pigs has increased by four per cent since 1994, totalling 90,800 at 31 December 1995. The number of slaughter hogs in production from 1 August to 31 December, totalled 559,800, an increase of six per cent compared to the same period in 1994. The number of broiler hens has also increased. From 1 August to 31 December 1995, 8.6 million chickens were put into production, 11 per cent more than during the same period the year before. Broiler hens made up 97 per cent of the total, with turkeys, ducks and geese accounting for three per cent.

New statistics

Livestock production, at 31 December 1995.
Statistics are based on data submitted in connection with applications for production supplements as of 31 December. They are published annually in the Weekly Bulletin of Statistics and Regional Statistics. More information: Ragnhild Langbakk Bruholt, tel. +47 62 88 51 86, e-mail: rab@ssb.no or Kjell Erik Kordal, tel. +47 62 88 51 82, e-mail: kor@ssb.no.

Weekly Bulletin is. 22, 1996