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Weekly Bulletin is. 26, 1996

Port statistics, 1995:

Fewer arrivals and less cargo

The number of ship arrivals declined by two per cent from 1994 to 1995, while cargo volume dropped by 2.5 per cent, according to port statistics from Statistics Norway. The statistics, however, are based on data from only 14 port districts.

In 1995 a total of 54,516 arrivals were registered at these ports. Karmsund was the biggest measured in domestic arrivals, while Bergen the leader in foreign arrivals. Oslo, however, topped all others in total gross tonnage. The total cargo volume loaded and unloaded in Norwegian ports was 29.9 million tons in 1995.

New statistics

Port statistics, 1995.
Statistics are published in the Weekly Bulletin of Statistics and Official Statistics of Norway (NOS) Shipping. More information: Liv Torunn Petersen, tel. +47 62 88 54 17, e-mail: ltp@ssb.no or information on transport in general: Jan Monsrud, tel. +47 62 88 54 07, e-mail: jam@ssb.no.

Weekly Bulletin is. 26, 1996