Astri Syse
- Akademisk grad
- Ph. D.
- Stilling
- Seniorforsker
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- 47032304
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Om Astri Syse
Astri Syse arbeider som seniorforsker i Forskningsavdelingen ved Statistisk sentralbyrå. Hun leder de nasjonale befolkningsframskrivingene. Hennes primære forskningsområder inkluderer framskrivinger, med et særlig fokus på temaer knyttet til dødelighet, aldring, fruktbarhet og migrasjon. Videre inkluderer hennes forskningsinteresser helse, pensjonering, trygdebruk, innenlands flytting og fruktbarhet, og relasjonen mellom disse temaene og familiære forhold.
Vennligst se CV for mer informasjon angående publikasjoner, pågående prosjekter og interesser.
Utvalgte publikasjoner
Norway’s 2020 population projections: National level results, methods and assumptions
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- Syse, Thomas, Gleditsch
Ways to project fertility in Europe
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- Gleditsch, Syse
Does health influence fertility?
- Forfattere
- Syse, Dommermuth, Hart
Mortality shifts and mortality compression
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- Keilman, Pham, Syse
Befolkningsframskrivingene 2018
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- Leknes, Løkken, Syse, Tønnessen
Norway's 2018 population projections
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- Syse, Leknes, Løkken, Tønnessen
The Effect of Retirement on Male Mortality. Quasi-experimental Evidence from Norway
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- Rogne, Syse
Framtidens eldre i by og bygd
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- Adrian Rogne, Astri Syse
An observational study of immigrant mortality differences in Norway by reason for migration, length of stay and characteristics
of sending countries
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- Syse et al.
Short-term survival after colorectal cancer in a screened versus unscreened population.
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- Syse et al.
Earlier hospital discharge: a challenge for Norwegian municipalities
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- Gautun, Syse
Suicide and violent deaths in survivors of cancer in childhood, adolescence and young adulthood-A national cohort study.
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- Gunnes et al.
Economic independence in survivors of cancer diagnosed at a young age: A Norwegian national cohort study
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- Gunnes et al.
In sickness and in health: The role of marital partners in cancer survival
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- Syse, Lyngstad
Gender bias in public long-term care? A survey experiment among care managers
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- Jakobsson et al.
To leave or not to leave: retirement intentions and retirement behaviour
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- Solem et al.
Reproduction and marriage among male survivors of cancer in childhood, adolescence and young adulthood: a national cohort
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- Gunnes et al.
Educational attainment among long-term survivors of cancer in childhood and adolescence: a Norwegian population-based cohort
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- Ghaderi et al.
Access to treatment and educational inequalities in cancer survival
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- Jon Hernes Fiva et al.
Childhood residential mobility and adult outcomes
- Forfattere
- Marianne Tønnessen, Kjetil Telle og Astri Syse
Dødelighet blant innvandrere etter innvandringsgrunn
- Forfattere
- Astri Syse, Minja Dzamarija
- Er det de friskeste innvandrerne som kommer til Norge?
Hvem velger å få (flere) barn?
- Forfattere
- Hart, Rønsen, Syse
- Population projections 2016: Main Results
Befolkningsframskrivinger 2016-2100: Dødelighet og levealder
- Forfattere
- Syse, Pham, Keilman
Befolkningsframskrivinger 2016-2100: Fruktbarhet
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- Syse, Hart, Aase
Befolkningsframskrivinger 2016-2100: Hovedresultater
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- Tønnessen, Leknes, Syse
Do spouses coordinate their work exits? A combined survey and register analysis from Norway.
- Forfattere
- Syse et al.
Access to treatment and educational inequalities in cancer survival.
- Forfattere
- Fiva et al.
Changes in Health and Health Behavior Associated With Retirement.
- Forfattere
- Syse et al.
New malignancies after squamous cell carcinoma and melanomas: a population-based study from Norway
- Forfattere
- Robsahm et al.
The Population Projections. Documentation of the BEFINN and BEFREG models
- Forfattere
- Aase, Tønnessen, Syse
Befolkningsframskrivinger 2014-2100: Dødelighet og levealder
- Forfattere
- Syse, Pham
Befolkningsframskrivinger 2014-2100: Hovedresultater
- Forfattere
- Tønnessen, Syse, Aase