
Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer: Discussion Papers

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  • Effects of norms and policy incentives on household recycling

    Discussion Papers no. 627

    Increased household recycling is a policy goal in many countries. Household recycling is, to a large extent, based on voluntary efforts. It is thus interesting to understand the mechanisms behind household voluntary contributions to recyc...

  • International emissions trading with endogenous taxes

    Discussion Papers no. 626

    Abstract: Motivated by the climate problem, this paper examines some effects of international cap & trade when national quotas result from strategic choice. In contrast to the fairly optimistic tone of closely related literature, the teno...

  • Robust inequality comparisons

    Discussion Papers no. 623

    This paper is concerned with the problem of ranking Lorenz curves in situations where the Lorenz curves intersect and no unambiguous ranking can be attained without introducing weaker ranking criteria than first-degree Lorenz dominance. T...

  • Macroeconomics stability or cycles?

    Discussion Papers no. 625

  • Mother's employment and fertility in Norway

    Discussion Papers no. 624

    This paper concerns the effect of employment status on second- and third-birth intensities for Norwegian mothers in the period 1994-2002. Due to unobserved heterogeneity possibly affecting both the birth and the employment processes we em...

  • On the measurement of long-term income inequality and income mobility

    Discussion Papers no. 622

    This paper proposes a two-step aggregation method for measuring long-term income inequality and income mobility, where mobility is defined as an equalizer of long-term income. The first step consists of aggregating the income stream of ea...

  • Measuring long-term inequality of oppotunity

    Discussion Papers no. 620

    In this paper, we introduce and apply a general framework for evaluating long-term income distributions according to the Equality of Opportunity principle (EOp). Our framework allows for both an ex-ante and an ex-post approach to EOp. Our...

  • The distributional impact of public services when needs differ

    Discussion Papers no. 621

    Despite a broad consensus on the need to take into account the value of public services in distributional analysis, there is little reliable evidence on how the inclusion of such non-cash income actually affects poverty and inequality est...

  • Accounting for family background when designing optimal income taxes

    Discussion Papers no. 619

    The purpose of this paper is to introduce and adopt a generalised version of Roemer's (1998) Equality of Opportunity (EOp) framework, which we call extended EOp, for analysing second-best optimal income taxation. Unlike the pure EOp crite...

  • Markets where buyers also are sellers

    Discussion Papers no. 618

  • Oil dependency of the Russian economy

    Discussion Papers no. 617

    A macro econometric model of the Russian economy is developed, containing 13 estimated equations – covering major national account variables, government expenditures and revenues, interest rates, prices and the labour market. The model is...

  • Wealth effects on consumption in financial crises

    Discussion Papers no. 616

    A dynamic consumption function, where consumption in the long run is determined by households' disposable income and wealth, has been superior to the Euler equation in explaining the development of Norwegian aggregate consumption over sev...

  • Strategic investment in climate friendly technologies

    Discussion Papers no. 615

    Our point of departure is that a group of developed countries invest in the development of greenhouse gas (GHG) abatement technologies both at home and in developing countries. Such investments reduce the cost of future GHG abatement, and...

  • Multivariate stochastic volatility models based on non-Gaussian Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes

    Discussion Papers no. 614

    This paper extends the ordinary quasi-likelihood estimator for stochastic volatility models based on non-Gaussian Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) processes to vector processes. Despite the fact that multivariate modeling of asset returns is essen...

  • Underemployment in a gender segregated labour market

    Discussion Papers no. 613

    This article analyses factors behind underemployment in Norway and has a focus on gender. The analysis, based on Labour Force Survey data, shows that economic fluctuations during the latest one and a half decade bring about changing under...
