Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
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Differences between SNA93 and ESA95
Notater 2007/1
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Cross border flows of compensation of employees in the Norwegian National accounts and balance of payments
Notater 2007/2
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Counterintuitive response to tax incentives?
Discussion Papers no. 492
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Counterintuitive response to tax incentives?
Discussion Papers no. 492
A number of European countries changed their tax system in the early 1990s along the lines of the US tax reform act of 1986. After the reforms marginal tax rates were generally lower, and mortgage interest deductions less generous. At the...
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Real appreciation as an automatic channel for redistribution of increased government non-tax revenue
Discussion Papers no. 471
The paper analyses how equilibrium adjustments of the wage rate affect the scope for tax rate reductions when the government experiences an exogenous increase in non-tax revenues. It shows within a stylized model that increased revenue in...
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Designing optimal taxes with a microeconometric model of household labour supply
Discussion Papers no. 475
The purpose of this paper is to present an exercise where we identify optimal income tax rules under the constraint of fixed tax revenue. To this end, we estimate a microeconomic model with 78 parameters that capture heterogeneity in cons...
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Sterk vekst i norsk økonomi
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Internasjonal økonomi : konjunkturutviklingen i Norge
Økonomiske analyser 6/2006
Amerikansk økonomi ser ut til å ha passert konjunkturtoppen i løpet av sommerhalvåret.
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Nye beregninger av sysselsetting og lønn i nasjonalregnskapet
Økonomiske analyser 6/2006
I forbindelse med hovedrevisjonen av nasjonalregnskapet er det gjort nye beregninger av sysselsetting ogarbeidstid for årene 2000-2004.
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Reviderte nasjonalregnskapstall 1970-2005 : Ny føring av banktjenester hever nivået på BNP
Økonomiske analyser 6/2006
Statistisk sentralbyrå har revidert nasjonalregnskapet fra 1970 og fram til i dag. Resultatet er at bruttonasjonalproduktet(BNP) i løpende priser er hevet.
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Norsk økonomi
Samfunnsspeilet 2006/5-6
Denne artikkelen gir en kortfattet oversikt over utviklingen i norsk økonomi fra slutten av 1980-tallet og fram til i dag.
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Quality adjusted price indexes for discrete goods
Discussion Papers no. 490
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Gini's nuclear family
Discussion Papers no. 491
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Gini's nuclear family
Discussion Papers no. 491
The purpose of this paper is to justify the use of the Gini coefficient and two close relatives for summarizing the basic information of inequality in distributions of income. To this end we employ a specific transformation of the Lorenz ...
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Quality adjusted price indexes for discrete goods
Discussion Papers no. 490
This paper discusses the construction and computation of a quality adjusted price index when the commodities are differentiated products, such as different brands of automobiles and refrigerators. The method we focus on is an extension of...