Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
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Time-differentiated pricing and direct load control of residential electricity consumption
Discussion Papers no. 461
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Time-differentiated pricing and direct load control of residential electricity consumption
Discussion Papers no. 461
Time-of-use and real-time spot pricing tariffs in conjunction with direct load control of water heaters was offered to residential electricity consumers in a large-scale demand response experiment. Hourly data from the experiment on consu...
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Lav inflasjon og arbeidsledighet
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Konjunkturutviklingen i Norge
Økonomiske analyser 3/2006
Veksten i norsk økonomi har fortsatt inn i 2006. Veksttakten i brutto nasjonalprodukt (BNP) for Fastlands- Norge kan ha avtatt litt i 1. kvartal 2006 i forhold til fjoråret, men dette er vanskelig å fastslå presist fordi påsken i år falt ...
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Internasjonal økonomi
Økonomiske analyser 3/2006
Internasjonalt er produksjonsveksten fortsatt høy. Det er imidlertid utenfor OECD-området vi finner høyest vekst, særlig Asia og Øst- og Sentral-Europa peker seg ut.
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The New Keynesian Phillips Curve for a small open economy
Discussion Papers no. 460
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The New Keynesian Phillips Curve for a small open economy
Discussion Papers no. 460
The New Keynesian Phillips Curve (NKPC) has become the benchmark model for understanding inflation in modern monetary economics. One reason for the popularity is the microfoundation of the model, which decomposes agents' behaviour into pr...
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User's guide for a macroeconomic model for Malawi
Notater 2006/8
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Income taxation, tuition subsidies, and choice of occupation
Discussion Papers no. 459
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Endogenous housing market cycles
Discussion Papers no. 458
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Differences in learning and inequality
Discussion Papers no. 457
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Income taxation, tuition subsidies, and choice of occupation
Discussion Papers no. 459
Differentiated tax rates on labor and capital income are found to be optimal in this study, where agents choose occupation based on lifetime income net of tuition costs. Efficient revenue raising in a case where the government can not obs...
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Differences in learning and inequality
Discussion Papers no. 457
Rapid growth in productivity combined with increasing wage dispersion in some countries, notably Anglo-Saxon, has been the subject of numerous studies. The main hypothesis in the literature is that an increased skill premium provides a li...
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Endogenous housing market cycles
Discussion Papers no. 458
Housing markets tend to display both positive serial correlation as well as a considerable volatility over time. We present a stochastic model illustrating the connection between adaptive expectations and market fluctuations. All macro ec...
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Fem utfordringer for tilpasningen av Norges konkurranseevne
Økonomiske analyser 2/2006
Utfasing av gunstige kraftkontrakter til kraftkrevende industri, varig høy oljepris, høyere internasjonal kapitalavkastning, økt etterspørsel etter helse- og omsorgstjenester og økte pensjonsutgifter er fem sannsynlige trekk ved utvikling...