Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
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- Statistikker (17)
- Publikasjoner og artikler (2528)
The effect of plant downsizing on disability pension utilization
Discussion Papers no. 435
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Cap-and-trade or carbon taxes?
Discussion Papers no. 436
One of the proposed alternatives to Kyoto's cap-and-trade approach is a regime based on an internationally harmonized carbon tax. In this paper, we consider and compare the enforcement problems associated with a tax regime and a cap-and-t...
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Global per capita CO2 emissions
Discussion Papers no. 438
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The effect of plant downsizing on disability pension utilization
Discussion Papers no. 435
We investigate the impact of plant downsizing on disability pension utilization in Norway. Plant downsizing substantially increases the disability entry rate of workers in affected plants. Workers originally employed in plants that closed...
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Decomposition of rank-dependent measures of inequality by subgroups
Discussion Papers no. 437
The purpose of additive subgroup decomposition is to study the relationship between overall inequality and inequality within and between population subgroups defined by variables like gender, age, education and region of residence. As opp...
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Norsk økonomi gjennom 20 år
Samfunnsspeilet 2005/4
I denne artikkelen gis en kort presentasjon av norsk økonomi gjennom 20 år.
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Base independence in the analysis of tax policy effects
Discussion Papers no. 434
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Base independence in the analysis of tax policy effects
Discussion Papers no. 434
The analysis contrasts results of two recently expounded micro-level data approaches to derive robust intertemporal characterizations of redistributional effects of income tax schedules; the fixed-income procedure of Kasten, Sammartino an...
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Konjunkturoppgang og utsikter til lavere ledighet
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Deregulation of electricity markets
Discussion Papers no. 433
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Deregulation of electricity markets
Discussion Papers no. 433
In this paper, we describe the approach to, and experience of, the deregulation and liberalisation of the Norwegian electricity sector from 1991. The Norwegian electricity market was subsequently integrated with the Swedish, Finnish and D...
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Hovedrevisjon av nasjonalregnskapet i 2006
Økonomiske analyser 4/2005
Forbedringer i nasjonalregnskapet (metode og data) innarbeides gjennom hoved-/tallrevisjoner om laghvert femte år.
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Konjunkturutviklingen i Norge
Økonomiske analyser 4/2005
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Internasjonal økonomi
Økonomiske analyser 4/2005
Sterk importvekst fra Kina og andre lavkostland har bidratt til svært lave renter i OECD-området, uten at inflasjonen har økt vesentlig.
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Hvor raskt og sterkt er valutakursgjennomslaget i norsk økonomi?
Økonomiske analyser 4/2005
I en liten åpen økonomi som den norske spiller valutakursen en viktig rolle for prisutviklingen. Overgang fra en pengepolitikk som sikter mot fast valutakurs til en politikk med et inflasjonsmål og flytende valutakurs, innebærer at det bl...