SSBs publikasjoner

Treff (10418)

Tittel Serie/nr Dato Statistikkområder
Consumer demand in a general equilibrium model for environmental analysis Discussion Papers no. 105 Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
Consumer demand with unobservable product attributes: Part I: Theory Discussion Papers no. 166 Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
Consumer demand with unobservable product attributes: Part II: Inference Discussion Papers no. 167 Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
Consumer demand with unobservable product attributes: Part II: Inference Discussion Papers no. 167 Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
Consumer demand with unobservable product attributes: Part I: Theory Discussion Papers no. 166 Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
Consumption inequality in Norway in the 80s and 90s Discussion Papers no. 325 Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
Consumption inequality in Norway in the 80s and 90s Discussion Papers no. 325 Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
Continuing vocational training survey (CVTS2): quality report for Norway Notater 2003/7 Utdanning
Continuing vocational training survey (CVTS3): quality report for Norway Notater 2008/10 Utdanning
Coping with decreasing response rates in Statistics Norway: recommended practice for reducing the effect of nonresponse Rapporter 2006/29 Befolkning
Corporate environmental protection under uncertainty Discussion Papers no. 355 Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
Corporate environmental protection under uncertainty Discussion Papers no. 355 Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
Corporate taxes, investment and the self-financing rate: The effect of location decisions and exports Discussion Papers no. 955 Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
Correlated measurement errors, bounds and parameters, and a model of producer behaviour Discussion Papers no. 112 Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
Correlated measurement errors, bounds and parameters, and a model of producer behaviour Discussion Papers no. 112 Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer