SSBs publikasjoner

Treff (10418)

Tittel Serie/nr Dato Statistikkområder
Cost-benefit analysis and the democratic ideal Discussion Papers no. 205 Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
Cost-benefit analysis and the democratic ideal Discussion Papers no. 205 Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
Cost-effective environmental policy: implications of induced technological change Discussion Papers no. 314 Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
Cost-effective environmental policy: implications of induced technological change Discussion Papers no. 314 Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
Cost-effective unilateral climate policy design: size matters Discussion Papers no. 664 Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
Counterfactual analyses of oil price shocks using a world model Discussion Papers no. 177 Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
Counterfactual analyses of oil price shocks using a world model Discussion Papers no. 177 Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
Counterintuitive response to tax incentives?: mortgage interest deductions and the demand for debt Discussion Papers no. 492 Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
Counterintuitive response to tax incentives?: mortgage interest deductions and the demand for debt Discussion Papers no. 492 Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
Couples' parental leave practices: the role of the workplace situation Discussion Papers no. 561 Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
Couples' parental leave practices: the role of the workplace situation Discussion Papers no. 561 Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
Credit conditions indices: controlling for regime shifts in the Norwegian credit market Discussion Papers no. 646 Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
Credit regulations in Norway, 1970-2008 Rapporter 2010/37 Bank og finansmarked
Crime and the transition to marriage: The roles of gender and partner’s criminal involvement Discussion Papers no. 678 Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
Crime and the transition to parenthood: the role of sex and relationship context Discussion Papers no. 673 Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer