SSBs publikasjoner

Treff (10418)

Tittel Serie/nr Dato Statistikkområder
Dette var de mest populære navnene i 2018 Artikler Befolkning
Dette var de mest populære navnene i 2019 Artikler Befolkning
Developing economies and international investors: do investment promotion agencies bring them together? Discussion Papers no. 513 Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
Developing economies and international investors: do investment promotion agencies bring them together? Discussion Papers no. 513 Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
Developing methods for determining the number of unauthorized foreigners in Norway Notater 2008/11 Befolkning
Development of a variable documentation system in Statistics Norway: Eurostat, Metadata Working Group Luxembourg, 7-8 June Notater 2007/13 Befolkning
Development of a variables documentation system in Statistics Norway: International Statistical Conference "Investment in the future", Prague, Czech Republic, 6-7 September 2004 Notater 2004/14 Befolkning
Did Norway gain from the 1979-85 oil price shock? Discussion Papers no. 210 Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
Did Norway gain from the 1979-85 oil price shock? Discussion Papers no. 210 Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
Didactic methods and small-group instruction for low-performing adolescents in mathematics: Results from a randomized controlled trial Discussion Papers no. 957 Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
Differences between SNA93 and ESA95: an attempt to update a study from 1997 in view of developments that have taken place in Europe in period 1997-2006 as related to ESA95 Notater 2007/1 Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
Differences in childbearing by time frame of fertility intention: A study using survey and register data from Norway Discussion Papers no. 781 Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
Differences in learning and inequality Discussion Papers no. 457 Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
Differences in learning and inequality Discussion Papers no. 457 Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
Diffusion of climate technologies in the presence of commitment problems Discussion Papers no. 768 Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer