Statistical yearbook Årg. 131
Statistical yearbook of Norway 2012
The yearbook presents the main trends in official statistics in most areas of society.
The Statistical Yearbook of Norway 2012 contains statistics on Norway and key figures for the Nordic countries and other countries. New in this year's edition is a figure showing greenhouse gas emissions in the emission trading system and a table with average annual earnings.
The yearbook presents the main trends in official statistics in most areas of society. The statistics are based on data gathered in statistical surveys and from administrative data, which, in cooperation with other public institutions, have been made available for statistical purposes.
Some tables have been prepared in their entirety by other public institutions, while tables from other countries have been selected from international statistics. The statistics follow approved principles, standards and classifications that are in line with international recommendations and guidelines.
About the publication
- Title
Statistical yearbook of Norway 2012
- Series and number
Statistical yearbook Årg. 131
- Publisher
Statistics Norway
- Topic
Population count
- ISBN (online)
- ISBN (printed)
- Number of pages
- Language
- About Statistical yearbook
Statistical Yearbook of Norway presents the main tables and figures from official statistics. It also contains a number of historical tables that go back to the 19th century, especially the 2000 edition. The Statistical Yearbook was published in Norwegian and French until 1952, thereafter it was published in Norwegian and English, and in separate Norwegian and English editions after 1996. The publication was discontinued in 2013.
Statistics Norway's Information Centre