This is an archived release.
5 214 900 inhabitants at the turn of the year
The projected population growth from January 2015 to January 2016 is estimated to be 49 100, or 0.95 per cent. This is a smaller growth than the preceding year, when the population growth was 56 700. The population of Norway is expected to reach 5 214 900 by 1 January 2016.
2015 | ||||
Population 1st January. Final figures | Estimated population | Estimated population 31st December | Estimated population growth. Per centba | |
The whole country | 5 165 802 | 49 088 | 5 214 890 | 1.0 |
Oslo | 647 676 | 11 173 | 658 849 | 1.7 |
Bergen | 275 112 | 2 783 | 277 895 | 1.0 |
Trondheim | 184 960 | 2 221 | 187 181 | 1.2 |
Stavanger | 132 102 | 580 | 132 682 | 0.4 |
Bærum | 120 685 | 1 636 | 122 321 | 1.4 |
Kristiansand | 87 446 | 928 | 88 374 | 1.1 |
Fredrikstad | 78 159 | 803 | 78 962 | 1.0 |
Sandnes | 73 624 | 1 331 | 74 955 | 1.8 |
Tromsø | 72 681 | 875 | 73 556 | 1.2 |
Drammen | 67 016 | 749 | 67 765 | 1.1 |

About 63 per cent of the population growth will be due to a net in-migration surplus from abroad, and 37 per cent of the growth will be due to a birth surplus. The net in-migration from abroad has decreased this year to date, and is a result of lower immigration and higher emigration. Asylum seekers without a residence permit are not included in this estimation.
The net migration, which is estimated at 63 per cent of the population growth, will represent a smaller part of the population growth in 2015 than in the years 2007-2014 when the net migration in some years represented over 70 per cent of the population growth.
The net migration from abroad is expected to be around 30 900, which is 7 200 lower than 2014. In the peak years 2011 and 2012, the net migration was highest with over 47 000 each year.
The estimated 18 100 birth excess will be somewhat lower than the previous year, but will nevertheless represent a bigger part of the total population growth due to the lower net in-migration.
About the estimationsOpen and readClose
The population is estimated for the country as a whole and at county and municipality level. It is based on information from the population register, using data on births, deaths and migration up to 1 December 2016. The population growth in December is estimated using approximately the same relative growth as in December 2015. If the level of births, deaths and migration changes markedly in December this year compared to last year, the population will vary correspondingly.
For some municipalities, estimated figures as of 31 December 2016 may thus seem to break with the trend so far this year, but this is due to the estimation method used. This is especially visible in small municipalities, where the figures must be regarded as a preliminary estimate.
This page has been discontinued, see Population, Quarterly and Population, Annually, per 1 january.
Magnus Haug
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