Statistikk innhold
Statistics about
Transport and communication in municipalities and county authorities
KOSTRA provides governing information about local and county authorities related to the operation and maintenance of municipal and county roads, and the operation of buses, trams, subways, ferries, boats and transport for the disabled.
Selected figures from this statistics
- Key transport figures from municipality-state-reportingDownload table as ...Key transport figures from municipality-state-reporting
2021 2022 2023 2024 Change (per cent) 2023 - 2024 Counties Gross operating expenses for transport in NOK per capita (NOK) 6 913 6 915 7 683 8 145 6.0 Gross investment expenses for transport in NOK per capita (NOK) 2 972 3 260 3 261 3 228 -1.0 Municipalities Gross operating expenses for transport in NOK per capita (NOK) 2 014 2 179 2 372 2 407 1.5 Gross investment expenses for municipal roads in NOK per capita (NOK) 1 197 1 289 1 447 1 571 8.6 Figures for gross operating expenses for transport in NOK per capita for municipalities in 2024 were corrected at 18 March at 11.35 am. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ...
About the statistics
The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 1 June 2021.
Passenger: A person who makes a journey
Passenger-kilometre: The transport of one passenger over a distance of one kilometre
Seat kilometre ( scheduled road transport ): Number of seats multiplied by distance in route (i.e. excluding positioning runs and other out of route journeys)
Seat kilometre (regular coastal routes): Number of seats multiplied by distance in route (i.e. excluding positioning runs and other out of route journeys)
Route kilometre (scheduled road transport): Driven distance in route (i.e. excluding positioning runs and other out of route journeys)
Distance sailed (regular coastal routes and ferry routes for provincial connections): Distance sailed in route (i.e. excluding positioning runs and other out of route journeys)
Private car units ( ferry routes for provincial connections): Number of private cars multiplied by distance sailed
Private car units provided ( ferry routes for provincial connections): Number of places for private cars multiplied by distance sailed.
The 356 municipalities are grouped according to population and economic comparable groups. This is based on the report (in Norwegian only): Gruppering av kommuner etter folkemengde og økonomiske rammevilkår 2003. Rapport 2006/8, Statistisk sentralbyrå.