Economic and Financial Data for Norway

The data shown in this page correspond to the data described on the International Monetary Fund's Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB). For a fuller explanation of the DSBB and the statistical standards to which Norway has committed, please click on DSBB Home Page. Unless otherwise indicated, the data are not seasonally adjusted and final when first released.

SDDS Real Sector

SDDS Real sector
SDDS Real sector
Unit DescriptionObservations
Date of LatestLatest dataLatest-1 data
SDDS Data Category and Component
National Accounts
Current prices
GDPNOK million, seasonally adjusted4th quarter 20241 306 6291 290 872
GDP, by expenditure category
Household final consumption expenditureNOK million, seasonally adjusted4th quarter 2024486 536481 320
Final consumption expenditure of NPISHsNOK million, seasonally adjusted4th quarter 202431 15331 110
Final consumption expenditure of general governmentNOK million, seasonally adjusted4th quarter 2024301 126298 516
Gross fixed capital formationNOK million, seasonally adjusted4th quarter 2024293 925288 358
Changes in inventoriesNOK million, seasonally adjusted4th quarter 202422 36952 017
Total exportsNOK million, seasonally adjusted4th quarter 2024624 591585 127
Total importsNOK million, seasonally adjusted4th quarter 2024453 280445 771
GDP, by area
GDP-Mainland NorwayNOK million, seasonally adjusted4th quarter 20241 025 2501 018 965
Petroleum activities and ocean transportNOK million, seasonally adjusted4th quarter 2024281 380271 907
Constant prices
GDPNOK million, 2018-prices, seasonally adjusted4th quarter 20241 452 1291 461 273
GDP, by expenditure category
Household final consumption expenditureNOK million, 2018-prices, seasonally adjusted4th quarter 2024438 538438 389
Final consumption expenditure of NPISHsNOK million, 2018-prices, seasonally adjusted4th quarter 202427 69128 014
Final consumption expenditure of general governmentNOK million, 2018-prices, seasonally adjusted4th quarter 2024275 588274 837
Gross fixed capital formationNOK million, 2018-prices, seasonally adjusted4th quarter 2024258 338257 874
Changes in inventoriesNOK million, 2018-prices, seasonally adjusted4th quarter 202414 66728 150
Total exportsNOK million, 2018-prices, seasonally adjusted4th quarter 2024841 769841 244
Total importsNOK million, 2018-prices, seasonally adjusted4th quarter 2024404 634407 398
GDP, by area
GDP-Mainland NorwayNOK million, 2018-prices, seasonally adjusted4th quarter 2024932 442936 278
Petroleum activities and ocean transportNOK million, 2018-prices, seasonally adjusted4th quarter 2024519 687524 995
Non-financial sector accounts
GNI (Gross National Income)NOK million4th quarter 20241 381 8691 257 747
Gross saving for NorwayNOK million4th quarter 2024540 516469 028
Production Index
Index of production, extraction of oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and quarrying and electricity supply (volume index)2021=100January 2025101.3103.1
Index of production, construction (volume index)2021=100January 202599.097.6
Business Tendency Survey
The industrial confidence indicator (ICI)Balance Seasonally adjusted4th quarter 20246.01.8
Employed persons (LFS)1000 Seasonally adjusted4th quarter 20242 8972 897
Unemployed persons (LFS)1000, Quarterly average Seasonally adjusted4th quarter 2024121120
Unemployed persons (LFS)Per cent of labour force, Quarterly average Seasonally adjusted4th quarter 20244.04.0
Wages and Earnings
Index of average monthly basic earnings in All industries2016Q1=1004th quarter 2024104.4101.4
Index of average monthly basic earnings in Agriculture, forestry and fishing2016Q1=1004th quarter 2024102.594.8
Index of average monthly basic earnings in Mining and quarrying2016Q1=1004th quarter 2024105.2101.9
Index of average monthly basic earnings in Manufacture2016Q1=1004th quarter 2024104.8101.9
Index of average monthly basic earnings in Electricity, water supply, sewerage, waste management2016Q1=1004th quarter 2024105.1100.0
Index of average monthly basic earnings in Construction2016Q1=1004th quarter 2024104.4102.6
Index of average monthly basic earnings in Wholesale and retail trade: repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles2016Q1=1004th quarter 2024104.2101.6
Index of average monthly basic earnings in Transportation and storage2016Q1=1004th quarter 2024104.7101.9
Index of average monthly basic earnings in Accommodation and food service activities2016Q1=1004th quarter 2024104.6100.9
Index of average monthly basic earnings in Information and communication2016Q1=1004th quarter 2024104.5101.8
Index of average monthly basic earnings in Financial and insurance activities2016Q1=1004th quarter 2024104.4103.1
Index of average monthly basic earnings in Real estate, professional, scientific and technical activities2016Q1=1004th quarter 2024104.7101.9
Index of average monthly basic earnings in Administrative and support service activities2016Q1=1004th quarter 2024104.0102.6
Index of average monthly basic earnings in Public adm., defence, soc. security2016Q1=1004th quarter 2024102.1100.1
Index of average monthly basic earnings in Education2016Q1=1004th quarter 2024104.3103.1
Index of average monthly basic earnings in Human health and social work activities2016Q1=1004th quarter 2024105.2101.3
Index of average monthly basic earnings in Other service activities2016Q1=1004th quarter 2024104.2100.5
Index of average monthly basic earnings in Unspecified2016Q1=1004th quarter 2024103.7100.6
Consumer Prices
Consumer Price Index2015=100February 2025137.5135.9
Producer Prices
Producer price index for oil and gas, manufacturing, mining2015=100February 2025134.5132.2
Explanation of symbols

National accounts

Non-financial sector accounts

Production Index

Business Tendency Survey



Wages and Earnings

Consumer Price Index

Producer price index for oil and gas, manufacturing, mining

SDDS Fiscal Sector

SDDS Fiscal Sector
SDDS Fiscal Sector
Unit DescriptionObservations
Date of LatestLatest dataLatest -1 data
SDDS Data Category and Component
General Government Operations
RevenueNOK million, provisional figures4th quarter 2024824 448781 868
ExpenditureNOK million, provisional figures4th quarter 2024684 559617 822
Balance, Deficit(-)/Surplus(+)NOK million, provisional figures4th quarter 2024139 889164 046
Financing by residency
DomesticNOK million4th quarter 2024-28 450-12 500
Domestic banksNOK million4th quarter 2024285-18 527
Domestic non-banksNOK million4th quarter 2024-28 7356 027
ForeignNOK million4th quarter 2024189 057178 622
Central Government Operations
Monthly data
RevenueNOK millionJanuary 2025144 637215 062
ExpenditureNOK millionJanuary 2025216 821193 195
Surplus before net transfers to the Government Pension Fund - GlobalNOK millionJanuary 2025-72 18421 867
FinancingNOK millionJanuary 202572 184-21 867
Annual data
RevenueNOK million20232 494 4012 668 416
ExpenditureNOK million20231 806 8001 665 935
Surplus before net transfers to the Government Pension Fund - GlobalNOK million2023687 6011 002 481
FinancingNOK million2023-687 601-1 002 481
Financing by currency and instrument
In NOKNOK million2023-687 601-1 002 481
DepositsNOK million2023-708 128-1 019 308
- Deposits with the Government Pension Fund - GlobalNOK million2023-730 918-1 058 844
- Other depositsNOK million202322 79039 536
LoansNOK million2023-45 942-67 896
Securities other than equityNOK million2023-29 28274 107
- Short-term securitiesNOK million2023-15 63266 457
- Medium and long term securitiesNOK million2023-13 6507 650
EquityNOK million202395 75110 616
In foreign currencies equivalentNOK million202300
Central Government Debt
Total central government debtNOK million3rd quarter 2024874 524717 570
Debt by remaining maturity
Short termNOK million3rd quarter 2024386 341243 387
Medium termNOK million3rd quarter 2024113 618111 368
Long termNOK million3rd quarter 2024374 565362 815
Debt by currency of issue
Norwegian kronerNOK million3rd quarter 2024874 524717 570
Foreign currencyNOK million3rd quarter 202400
State guarantees
Debt guaranteed by central governmentNOK million3rd quarter 2024....
Explanation of symbols

General Government Operations

Central Government Operations

Central Government Debt

SDDS Financial sector

SDDS Financial sector
SDDS Financial sector
Unit DescriptionObservations
Date of LatestLatest dataLatest -1 data
SDDS Data Category and Component
Depository Corporations Survey
The credit indicator (C2)NOK billion, preliminary figures, seasonally adjustedJanuary 20257 540.27 503.7
Monetary aggregate M3NOK billion, preliminary figures, seasonally adjustedJanuary 20253 259.83 235.7
Net claims on central government1 NOK billion, preliminary figuresJanuary 2025-246.6-289.9
External position, net basis2 NOK billion, preliminary figuresJanuary 2025-660.5-762.3
Central Bank Survey
Base money (MO)NOK millionJanuary 2025195 767129 347
Foreign assets, totalNOK millionJanuary 2025972 759932 264
Claims on other Norwegian sectorsNOK millionJanuary 20251 8953 807
Foreign liabilitiesNOK millionJanuary 2025141 133117 604
Interest Rates3
Interest rate on private banks' sight deposits with Norges Bank (the policy variable rates)Per cent per annumJanuary 20254.504.50
Government bond yieldsPer cent per annum
Stock Market
Benchmark Index of Oslo Stock Exchange29th December 1995=100
1Central government comprises central government and social security administration and state lending institutions.
2Includes Norges Bank (exclusive the Government Pension Fund Global) and other monetary financial institutions
3See links below this table for data on government bond yields and the benchmark index of Oslo Stock Exchange.
Explanation of symbols

The credit indicator (C2)

Monetary aggregate M3

Interest rate on private banks' sight deposits with Norges Bank (the policy variable rates)

Government bond yields

Benchmark Index of Oslo Stock Exchange

SDDS External sector

SDDS External sector
SDDS External sector
Unit DescriptionObservations
Date of LatestLatest dataLatest -1 data
SDDS Data Category and Component
Balance of Payments
Current account, disaggregated by:
Goods, creditNOK million4th quarter 2024503 388440 665
Goods, debitNOK million4th quarter 2024289 518278 492
Services, creditNOK million4th quarter 2024160 753164 408
Services, debitNOK million4th quarter 2024169 881174 702
Income, creditNOK million4th quarter 2024181 280193 992
Income, debitNOK million4th quarter 2024148 173124 501
Current transfers, creditNOK million4th quarter 202427 38128 580
Current transfers, debitNOK million4th quarter 202453 98241 450
Capital account, netNOK million4th quarter 20245 9322 660
Financial account, disaggregated by:
Direct investment, assetsNOK million4th quarter 2024-17 0511 096
Direct investment, liabilitiesNOK million4th quarter 20247 174-13 463
Portfolio investment, assetsNOK million4th quarter 2024371 118276 466
Portfolio investment, liabilitiesNOK million4th quarter 2024104 65493 586
Other investment, assetsNOK million4th quarter 2024142 147-17 764
Other investment, liabilitiesNOK million4th quarter 2024176 7833 566
Reserve assetsNOK million4th quarter 2024-48 40015 242
Net errors and omissionsNOK million4th quarter 2024-130 430-36 483
International Reserves1
Official reserve assetsNOK millionFebruary 2025982 528954 134
Reserve templateNOK millionJanuary 2025.959 955
Merchandise Trade
Total exports (f.o.b. value)NOK million, provisionalJanuary 2025177 522169 084
Total imports (c.i.f value)NOK million, provisionalJanuary 202582 70385 897
International investment position2
Total assetsNOK million4th quarter 202431 207 81829 904 065
Direct investment abroadNOK million4th quarter 20243 066 2763 025 798
Portfolio investmentNOK million4th quarter 202423 881 08622 805 856
Equity securitiesNOK million4th quarter 202416 749 95915 947 667
Debt securitiesNOK million4th quarter 20247 131 1276 858 189
Other investmentNOK million4th quarter 20243 079 5902 897 711
Reserve assetsNOK million4th quarter 2024922 513937 179
Total liabilitiesNOK million4th quarter 202411 512 10511 215 148
Direct investment in NorwayNOK million4th quarter 20242 482 9392 603 436
Portfolio investmentNOK million4th quarter 20244 857 6674 698 050
Equity securitiesNOK million4th quarter 20241 225 2821 247 871
Debt securitiesNOK million4th quarter 20243 632 3853 450 179
Other investmentNOK million4th quarter 20243 892 7663 639 525
International investment position, netNOK million4th quarter 202419 695 71318 688 917
External Debt
External debt Position
TotalNOK million, preliminary4th quarter 20248 333 8447 881 864
General Government
TotalNOK million, preliminary4th quarter 20242 004 0071 456 011
Money market instrumentsNOK million, preliminary4th quarter 202414 09015 669
Short term loanNOK million, preliminary4th quarter 2024604 568248 568
Other debt liabilitiesNOK million, preliminary4th quarter 202479 880188 897
Bonds and notesNOK million, preliminary4th quarter 2024471 555457 278
LoansNOK million, preliminary4th quarter 2024833 914545 599
Monetary Authorities
TotalNOK million, preliminary4th quarter 2024117 603142 135
Short term loanNOK million, preliminary4th quarter 202400
Currency and depositsNOK million, preliminary4th quarter 20244819
Other debt liabilitiesNOK million, preliminary4th quarter 202440 79167 981
LoansNOK million, preliminary4th quarter 2024217
Other debt liabilitiesNOK million, preliminary4th quarter 202476 74374 128
Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank’
TotalNOK million, preliminary4th quarter 20244 052 8254 197 950
Money market instrumentsNOK million, preliminary4th quarter 2024458 672402 272
Short term loanNOK million, preliminary4th quarter 2024..
Currency and depositsNOK million, preliminary4th quarter 20241 450 3061 742 489
Other debt liabilitiesNOK million, preliminary4th quarter 202444 13734 175
Bonds and notesNOK million, preliminary4th quarter 20241 892 8041 830 180
LoansNOK million, preliminary4th quarter 2024..
Currency and depositsNOK million, preliminary4th quarter 2024206 906188 834
Other sectors
TotalNOK million, preliminary4th quarter 20241 350 7051 293 603
Money market instrumentsNOK million, preliminary4th quarter 202421 18327 339
LoansNOK million, preliminary4th quarter 2024105 44069 495
Trade creditsNOK million, preliminary4th quarter 202475 84067 395
Other debt liabilitiesNOK million, preliminary4th quarter 2024104 816120 240
Bonds and notesNOK million, preliminary4th quarter 2024774 081717 441
LoansNOK million, preliminary4th quarter 2024269 143291 257
Other debt liabilitiesNOK million, preliminary4th quarter 2024202436
Direct Investment
TotalNOK million, preliminary4th quarter 2024808 704790 065
Exchange Rates3
US dollarNOK/USD
1Including financial derivatives.
2Preliminary figures. The figures are according to the Balance of Payment Manual (BPM6), and is compiled according to the assets and liability principle. For debt figures the principle of valuation is own funds at book value.
3See links below this table for data on exchange rates.
Explanation of symbols

Balance of Payments

International reserves

Merchandise Trade


US dollar

SDDS Population

SDDS Population
SDDS Population
Unit DescriptionObservations
Date of LatestLatest dataLatest -1 data
SDDS Data Category and Component
PopulationPersons4th quarter 20245 594 3405 585 044
Explanation of symbols



Olav Stensrud
Tel.: (+47) 48 86 86 80