Artikkel 151 til 200 (Totalt antall artikler 688)

Manufacturing prices fell for the third consecutive month
Increase in foreign guest nights at hotels in June
Moderate decline in activity in Manufacturing
CPI up 6.4 per cent last 12 months
Small price increase in the producer price index in June
Increase in GDP for Mainland Norway in May
Starting and maintaining immigrants' self-employment
Plastic account for Norway
Housing conditions in Norway 1980-2022
Record for foreign guest nights in May
Modelling of net domestic migration and net commuting flows between Norwegian economic regions 2001-2014
Economic Survey 2/2023
Progress on ocean accounting in Norway
Emission regulation: Prices, quantities and hybrids with endogenous technology choice
Large, domestically controlled companies dominate Norwegian exports
Decline of 0.4 per cent for Norwegian Economy in April
Price drop on energy goods pulled PPI down in May
CPI up 6.7 per cent last 12 months
Weak krone means another year of real wage decline
On the socioeconomic profile of students abroad
High Income and massive gains increased Norway’s net foreign assets in first quarter
Reduced government surplus
Pension wealth in Norway 2019-2020
Increase in foreign guest nights at hotels in April
Testing the split of economic ownership for petroleum resources in Norway
What can we do with the quality-adjusted labor input data?
Oil investment estimate for 2023 upward adjusted
Strong investment growth in in 2023 and 2024
Increase in export price of fresh salmon
Lower household electricity price in first quarter
Decrease in export price of fresh salmon
The Norwegian economy increased 0.2 per cent in the first quarter
Taxation of the rich and the cost of raising tax revenue
Taxation of the rich and incentives for investments. The case of Norway
Every third researcher in Norwegian academia is an immigrant
A small increase in export price of fresh salmon
Higher oil price pulled the PPI upwards in April
CPI up 6.4 per cent last 12 months
Households' financial accounts for 2022
Recruitment of researchers within energy and petroleum
Drop in export price of fresh salmon
Controlling for fixed effects in studies of income underreporting
Permanent residents and internal migrants
Qualified applicant with no offers of admission
Increase in foreign guest nights at hotels in March
Increase in export price of fresh salmon
Houshold payments for kindergarten, January 2023
Sector differences in Manufacturing
Increase in export price of fresh salmon
Statistics for use in the evaluation of natural sciences in Norway

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