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Table 10. Imports by groups of the SITC. Million kroner
                                                                   January                 January 
                                                                     2012                    2013
                                                             -------------------     -------------------
                                                  Unit       Quant.       Value       Quant.       Value

00  Live animals other than animals of div.03      ..            ..          17           ..          10
001 Live animals other than animals in div.03      ..            ..          17           ..          10

01  Meat and meat preparations ...............     t          2 316          99        3 009         111
011 Meat of bovine animals, fresh, chilled                                                              
    or  frozen ...............................     t          1 664          62        1 645          63
012 Other meat and edible meat offal, fresh,                                                            
    chilled or frozen ........................     t            356          19          654          26
016 Meat and edible meat offal, salted, in                                                              
    brine, dried or smoked; edible flours                                                               
    and meals of meat or meat offal ..........     t             79           6           62           6
017 Meat and edible meat offal, prepared                                                                
    or preserved, n.e.s. .....................     t            217          12          648          16

02  Dairy products and birds' eggs ...........     t          2 431          81        1 646          62
022 Milk and cream and milk products other                                                              
    than butter or cheese ....................     t            766          14          619          12
023 Butter and other fats and oils derived                                                              
    from milk ................................     t            538          19          132           4
024 Cheese and curd ..........................     t            822          44          879          44
025 Eggs .....................................     t            306           5           16           2

03  Fish (not mar. mammals), crustaceans,                                                               
    molluscs and prep. thereof ...............     t         44 563         612       31 682         395
034 Fish, fresh (live or dead), chilled or                                                              
    frozen ...................................     t         41 125         482       28 377         269
035 Fish, dried, salted or in brine; smoked ..     t            121           4          131           7
036 Crustaceans and molluscs .................     t            978          33        1 104          33
037 Fish, crustanceans, molluscs and other                                                              
    aquatic invertebrates, prepared or                                                                  
    preserved, n.e.s. ........................     t          2 338          93        2 070          87

04  Cereals and cereal preparations ..........     t         45 208         312       60 126         385
041 Wheat (incl. spelt) and meslin, unmilled .     t         19 703          36       29 462          64
042 Rice .....................................     t          2 065          17        2 106          18
043 Barley, unmilled .........................     t          4 670           9        6 926          13
044 Maize (not incl. sweet corn), unmilled ...     t            110           1        1 963           4
045 Cereals, unmilled (other than wheat, rice,                                                          
    barley, and maize) .......................     t          1 275           5          610           2
046 Meal and flour of wheat and flour of                                                                
    meslin ...................................     t            221           1          198           1
047 Other cereal meals and flours ............     t          2 463           5        1 109           4
048 Cereal preparations and preparations of                                                             
    flour or starch of fruits or vegetables ..     t         14 701         237       17 752         280

05  Vegetables and fruit .....................     t         64 129         702       72 714         798
054 Vegetables, fresh, chilled, frozen or                                                               
    simply preserved; roots, tubers and other                                                           
    edible vegetable products, n.e.s.,                                                                  
    fresh or dried ...........................     t         23 341         230       26 935         265
056 Vegetables, roots and tubers, prepared                                                              
    or preserved, n.e.s. .....................     t          3 998          49        4 926          55
057 Fruits and nuts (not including oil nuts),                                                           
    fresh or dried ...........................     t         29 584         310       32 183         357
058 Fruit, preserved, and fruit preparations .     t          2 742          57        3 465          68
059 Fruit juices (incl. grape must) and                                                                 
    vegetable juices, unfermented and without                                                           
    spirit, also incl. sugar or other                                                                   
    sweetening matter ........................     t          4 465          56        5 206          54

06  Sugars, sugar prepatations and honey .....     t         11 686          94       13 054          99
061 Sugars, molasses and honey ...............     t         10 301          57       11 508          55
062 Sugar confectionery ......................     t          1 385          37        1 546          44

07  Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices and                                                                      
    manufactures thereof .....................     t          7 541         298        7 805         267
071 Coffee and coffee substitutes ............     t          4 020         156        3 755         117
072 Cocoa ....................................     t            701          20          847          16
073 Chocolate and other food preparations                                                               
    containing cocoa, n.e.s. .................     t          2 548         103        2 846         109
074 Tea and mate .............................     t            114           9          167          16
075 Spices ...................................     t            157           9          190          10

08  Feeding stuff of animals (not including                                                             
    unmilled cereals) ........................     t         46 916         285       83 550         411
081 Feeding stuff for animals (not including                                                            
    unmilled cereals) ........................     t         46 916         285       83 550         411

09  Miscellaneous edible products and                                                                   
    preparations .............................     ..            ..         294           ..         338

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