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Table 10. Imports by groups of the SITC. Million kroner
                                                                   January                 January 
                                                                     2012                    2013
                                                             -------------------     -------------------
                                                  Unit       Quant.       Value       Quant.       Value

091 Margarine and shortening .................     t          1 764          20        1 324          18
098 Edible products and preparations, n.e.s. .     ..            ..         274           ..         320

11  Beverages ................................     t         12 284         230       18 070         311
111 Non-alcoholic beverages, n.e.s. ..........     t          5 510          54       10 112          84
112 Alcoholic beverages ......................     TL         6 774         176        7 959         227

12  Tobacco and tobacco manufactures .........     t            229          91          262         115
121 Tobacco, unmanufactured; tobacco refuse ..     t              -           -            -           -
122 Tobacco manufactured (whether or not                                                                
    including tobacco substitutes) ...........     t            229          91          262         115

21  Hides, skins and furskins, raw ...........     ..            ..           0           ..           1
211 Hides and skins (exept furskins), raw ....     t             11           0           40           1
212 Furskins, raw (incl. cuttings or pieces) .     ..            ..           0           ..           0

22  Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits ..........     t         35 851         126       31 027         127
222 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits used for                                                            
    the extraction of soft fixed vegetab. oils     t         35 446         123       30 802         124
223 Oil seeds and oleaginous, whole or broken,                                                          
    used for the extraction of other fixed                                                              
    vegetable oils ...........................     t            405           3          224           3

23  Crude rubber (incl. synthetic/reclaimed) .     t            685           8          591           8
231 Natural rubber, balata, gutta percha,                                                               
    guayule, chicle and similar natural gums,                                                           
    in primary forms or in plates, sheets                                                               
    or strip .................................     t             11           0            5           0
232 Synthetic rubber; reclaimed rubber; waste,                                                          
    parings and scrap of unhardened rubber ...     t            674           7          586           7

24  Wood, lumber and cork ....................     ..            ..         285           ..         280
244 Cork, natural, raw and waste .............     t              0           0            1           0
245 Fuel wood and wood charcoal ..............     ..            ..          12           ..          35
246 Wood in chips or particles and wood waste      TU           115          34           49          26
247 Wood in the rough or roughly squared .....     TU            81          41           45          24
248 Wood, simply worked, and railway sleepers                                                           
    of wood ..................................     ..            ..         197           ..         196

25  Pulp and waste paper .....................     ..            ..          26           ..          19
251 Pulp and waste paper .....................     ..            ..          26           ..          19

26  Textile fibres and their waste ...........     t            454           9          638          10
261 Silk .....................................     t              0           0            0           0
263 Cotton ...................................     t              2           0           12           0
264 Jute and other textile bast fibres, n.e.s.     t              1           0            1           0
265 Vegetable textile fibres, raw or processed                                                          
    but not spun; waste of these fibres ......     t              0           0            2           0
266 Syntetic fibres suitable for spinning ....     t            168           3          329           5
267 Other man-made fibres suitable for                                                                  
    spinning and waste of man-made fibres ....     t              0           0           21           0
268 Wool and other animal hair (incluing                                                                
    wool tops) ...............................     t             90           5          109           4
269 Worn clothing and other worn textile                                                                
    articles; rags ...........................     t            192           1          164           1

27  Crude fertilizers and crude                                                                         
    minerales, n.e.s. ........................     ..            ..         249           ..         242
272 Fertilizers, crude, excl. those of                                                                  
    division 56 ..............................     t              :           :            :           :
273 Stone, sand and gravel ...................     t         63 442          24       50 105          20
274 Sulphur and unroasted iron pyrites .......     t              :           :            :           :
277 Natural abrasives, n.e.s.; industrial                                                               
    diamonds .................................     ..            ..           0           ..           2
278 Other crude minerals .....................     t              :           :            :           :

28  Metalliferous ores and metal scrap .......     ..            ..       2 140           ..       2 133
281 Iron ore and concentrates ................     t          3 914           5            -           -
282 Ferrous waste and scrap; remelting ingots                                                           
    of iron or steel .........................     t         12 161          25       28 489          60
283 Copper ores and concentrates; copper                                                                
    mattes, cement copper ....................     t              -           -            -           -
284 Nickel ores and concentrates; nickel                                                                
    mattes, nickel oxides, sinters and                                                                  
    other intermediate products of                                                                      
    nickel metallurgy ........................     t         17 257       1 339       22 705       1 393
285 Aluminium ores and concentrates                                                                     
    (including alumina) ......................     t        217 249         429      228 162         393
286 Ores and concentrates of uranium/thorium       t              -           -            -           -

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