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Weekly Bulletin ed. 14-15, 1996

Low crop yields in Northern Norway

Crop yields were low in Northern Norway in 1995 due to winterkill damage to grassland, and flood swollen rivers created havoc last year in Eastern Norway. Nevertheless, Norway's total production of grain, grass and green forage in 1995 was on a level with the average for 1990-1994. The potato crop was smaller, however.

The total yield of meadow grass made into hay has been calculated at nearly 3.3 million tons of dry hay, down slightly from 1994.

Green fodder and silage

Green fodder and silage plants were grown on 41,600 acres. Of this amount 22,400 acres were planted with annual rye-grass and 17,000 acres with a mixture of green forage plants and grains.

Small potato crop

The total potato crop amounted to 400,000 tons in both 1994 and 1995. These are the smallest yields since 1987.

Fair grain harvest

The total grain harvest in 1995 has been calculated at 1.27 million tons, compared to 0.99 million tons in 1994 and 1.38 million tons in 1993.

New Statistics

Agricultural yields, 1995.
Statistics are published annually in the Weekly Bulletin of Statistics and Official Statistics of Norway (NOS) Agricultural Statistics. More information: Kjell Erik Kordal, tel. +47 62 88 51 82 and Dafinn Sve, tel. +47 62 88 52 61.

Weekly Bulletin ed. 14-15, 1996