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Weekly Bulletin issue 17, 1996

Fewer young people killed in traffic accidents

Traffic fatalities in Norway in the first quarter of this year totalled 59, down 16 from the same period last year and 11 fewer than the average for 1991-1995. Far fewer young people were killed in traffic accidents in the first three months of the year compared to earlier.

Lowest number since 1968

In March, 13 persons lost their lives in traffic accidents. This is the lowest number of fatalities for the month of March since Statistics Norway began compiling monthly statistics in 1968. Last year, 33 people were killed in traffic accidents in March. The average number for March over the past five years has been 25 fatalities. Last month, four drivers were killed along with one passenger, two moped drivers, one cyclist and five pedestrians.

Preliminary figures show that 572 persons were injured in traffic accidents last month. The comparative figure for March 1995 was 793. A total of 2,176 persons were injured in the first three months of this year, down from 2,565 during the same period in 1995.

The final figures for 1995 show 305 fatalities and 11,756 injured.

New Statistics

Road traffic accidents with personal injury, March 1996.
Statistics are published every month in the Weekly Bulletin of Statistics and annually in Official Statistics of Norway (NOS) Road Traffic Accidents. More information: Aud-Marit Beck, tel. +47 62 88 54 20, or Jan Monsrud, tel. +47 62 88 54 07.

Weekly Bulletin issue 17, 1996