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Weekly Bulletin Is. 32, 1996

Over half of offenders commit new crimes

More than half of all offenders who were convicted of crimes in 1987 later committed new criminal acts. The difference in the recidivism rate between men and women has also narrowed according to a new survey on recidivism among persons found guilty of crimes in 1987.

Statistics show that 5,472 persons were convicted of committing new offences within five years of their release. This is almost 51 percent of all offenders convicted in 1987. In similar surveys in 1951, 1957 and 1962 recidivism was respectively 28, 32 and 37 percent. The percentage committing new crimes was thus nearly twice as large in 1987 as in 1951.

New Statistics

Recidivism among offenders in 1987.
A more extensive article on the survey was published in Samfunnsspeilet issue no. 3/96. More information: Liv Hilde Birkelund, tel. +47 21 09 46 45, e-mail: lhb@ssb.no.

Weekly Bulletin Is. 32, 1996