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Weekly Bulletin Is. 32, 1996

Road accidents involving personal injury, June 1996:

Fewer fatalities trend continues in June

The positive decline in the number of fatal traffic accidents continued in June, with 19 fatalities. This is five fewer than in June last year and 11 below the average from 1991 to 1995. Not since 1981 have so few people been killed in traffic accidents in June. A total of 111 persons have been killed in road accidents so far in 1996. This is 49 fewer than in the first half of last year and 37 fewer than the average for the five-year period 1991-1995.

The June fatalities included 12 motorists, two passengers, one motorcyclist, one cyclist and three pedestrians. According to the statistics 948 persons were injured in traffic accidents in June. The corresponding figure for the same month last year was 899.

New Statistics

Road accidents involving personal injury, June 1996.
Statistics are published every month in the Weekly Bulletin of Statistics and annually in Official Statistics of Norway (NOS) Road accidents. More information: Aud-Marit Beck, e-mail:amb@ssb.no, tel. +47 62 88 54 20, or Jan Monsrud, tel. +47 62 88 54 07, e-mail: jam@ssb.no.

Weekly Bulletin Is. 32, 1996