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Weekly Bulletin issue no. 47 1996

Norway's population now 4,388,000

Norway's population increased in the third quarter by 6,350, nearly 800 fewer than during the same period last year. Growth consisted of an excess of births totalling 4,900 and net immigration totalling 1,450. The population on 1 October stood at 4,388,000.

The greatest increases in the number of inhabitants compared to total population occurred in Akershus, Vestfold and Buskerud. Population declines were noted in Hedmark, Oppland, Møre og Romsdal and the counties from Nord-Trøndelag northwards.

Births in the third quarter totalled 15,300, while 10,400 persons died. There were more births than deaths in all counties except for Hedmark and Oppland.

A total of 8,950 persons moved to Norway in the third quarter, while 7,500 moved away. Immigration was at about the same level as last year, while emigration was up by nearly 600. There was net emigration to other countries from Østfold, Oppland, Telemark, Aust-Agder and Rogaland. The rest of the counties reported net immigration in the third quarter.

Domestic migration

Oslo, Oppland, Telemark and the counties from Hordaland northwards had migration losses in the third quarter. The four northernmost counties had a combined migration loss to other counties of 2,200, against 1,800 in the same period in 1995. Like last year, Akershus had the largest domestic migration gain, with in-migration outstripping out-migration by 1,250.

In the first three quarters of this year, the population of Akershus increased by 17,800, 700 fewer than the corresponding period last year.

New Statistics

Population statistics. Population on 1 October and changes in third quarter 1996.
Statistics are published every quarter in the Weekly Bulletin of Statistics and in the Official Statistics of Norway (NOS) Regional Statistics. More information: Kåre Høiby, tel. +47 62 88 52 97, e-mail: krh@ssb.no or Anita Johansson, tel. +47 62 88 54 85, e-mail: bam@ssb.no.

Weekly Bulletin issue no. 47 1996