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Weekly Bulletin issue no. 16, 1997 Tax statistics, 1995. Overview of tax assessments:

Tax statistics, 1995. Overview of tax assessments:

Strong increase in joint tax

Tax statistics show that total assessed contributions to Norway's Tax Equalization Fund increased by 25 per cent from 1994 to 1995. Non-personal taxpayers were assessed NOK 15 billion and personal taxpayers NOK 29 billion in joint taxes in 1995. The corresponding figures for 1994 were NOK 11 and 24 billion.
The strong increase in assessed joint taxes is mainly attributed to a change in the tax rates between municipalities/counties and the Tax Equalization Fund. In fiscal year 1994 joint taxes accounted for 7.75 per cent of general revenues after special tax deductions for personal taxpayers. Municipal and county municipal income tax was assessed at 20.25 per cent of the same calculation basis. In 1995 the tax rates were changed to respectively 8.75 and 19.25 per cent.

New Statistics

Tax Statistics, 1995. Overview of tax assessments.
Statistics are published annually in the Weekly Bulletin of Statistics and Official Statistics of Norway (NOS) Regional Statistics. An overview of tax assessments for personal taxpayers in the individual municipalities will be published in Regional Statistics no. 4/97. More information: Mads Ivar Kirkeberg, tel. +47 62 88 52 45, e-mail: mik@ssb.no or Per Ove Smogeli, tel. +47 62 88 53 22, e-mail: smo@ssb.no.

Weekly Bulletin issue no. 16, 1997