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Weekly Bulletin issue no. 16, 1997 Municipal fees, engineering, January 1997:

Municipal rates and fees, engineering, January 1997:

Major hike in municipal rates and fees

Rates and fees for municipal water, sewer and waste colletion services in Norway climbed by about eight per cent from January 1996 to January 1997, with Southern and Western Norway seeing the greatest increase. Higher annual waste collection and sewer service charges are the main cause of the change.
The average increase in municipal rates and fees from January 1996 to January 1997 was about eight per cent, against nearly six per cent during the same period last year. By comparison, the consumer price index rose three per cent from January last year to January this year. With the exception of sewer service charges, municipal rates and fees rose more this year than in the corresponding period last year.

Although all regional statistics show a general increase in rates and fees, a handful of municipalities actually reduced certain charges. This is because a number of municipalities have changed the way they calculate annual rates and fees for water and sewer services. By calculating stipulated consumption according to utility floor space instead of total floor space, many households have seen their charges go down. In addition, some municipalities have removed the fixed fee for water and sewer services.

New Statistics

Municipal rates and fees, engineering, January 1997.
Statistics are published every year in the Weekly Bulletin of Statistics. More information: Randi Johannessen, tel. +47 21 09 47 30, e-mail: raj@ssb.no or Geir Ormseth, tel. +47 21 09 47 22, e-mail: geo@ssb.no.

Weekly Bulletin issue no. 16, 1997