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Weekly Bulletin issue no. 33, 1998 <sti>Stikktittel

Information Technology (IT) in Teacher Training, Academic Year 1997/98:

IT instruction in three out of four subjects in teacher training

Students that take teacher training receive IT instruction in three out of four subjects. In general teacher training it is usually the teacher who gives the IT instruction. In the universities' practical teacher training it is given in Cupertino with others who have a good knowledge of IT or only through the latter.
This is evident from Statistics Norway's fresh study of the IT situation in teacher training. The study includes general teacher training at state colleges and the practical teacher training (ppu) at the universities, and is carried out on commission from the Ministry of Education, Research and Church Affairs.

In one fourth of the subjects, no IT instruction is given. This is true for both general teacher training and ppu. Most places of learning, however, have made plans that include a concentration on IT in the coming years. These plans include topics such as competence building, support and guidance functions and the upgrading of hardware and software.

New Statistics

Information Technology (IT) in Teacher Training, Academic Year 1997/98.
Further details will be published in Reports 98/12 "Information Technology in Teacher Training," which describes the implementation of and results from the study. For more information, contact: dag.roll-hansen@ssb.no, tel. +47 21 09 46 70.

Weekly Bulletin issue no. 33, 1998