Concept variable

Current activity status

  Norwegian (bokmål)
Name Current activity status
Definition Current activity status gives the person's activity status during a reference week. The activities are: Employed, Unemployed, Pensioners and In education. Employed and Unemployed person are defined in accordance with labour market statistics. Persons receiving long time national insurance benefits are classified as Pensioners. Students/pupils are classified as In education. Persons registered with more than one activity are classified by activity in the succession listed above. Persons not belonging to any of these activity groups are classified as Others.
Valid from 2001-01-01
Valid to 2001-12-31
Owner 320 - Division for population statistics
Comments Pensioners. As long time national insurance benefits are regarded the following: retirement pension, invalidity pension, widow/widower's pension and contractual pensions (voluntarily early retirement scheme). In education. In this group is includes all pupils and students (in Norway and abroad) and persons in job training schemes.
Statistical unit Person
Subject 02.01 - Population structure
Statistics Population and Housing Census
Linked to Variable Definition Unemployed
Employed persons
Linked to StatBank tables