Concept variable

Ordinary income after special deduction

  Norwegian (bokmål)
Name Ordinary income after special deduction
Definition Basis of calculation for county, municipality and equalization tax to the State.
Valid from 2002-01-01
Valid to 2004-12-31
Owner 225 - Division for income and wage statistics
Statistical unit Person
Subject 05.01.30 - Taxes
Statistics Tax statistics. Main figures for personal and non-personal taxpayers
Linked to StatBank tables
10943: Main entries from the tax assessment for residents, by age (C)
10942: Main entries from the tax assessment for residents 17 years and older, by ten-year age groups
10941: Main entries from the tax assessment for residents 17 years and older, by age and net wealth
10924: Main entries from the tax assessment for residents 17 years and older, by age and gross income
10280: Income and deductions for self-employed, by main income
10264: Income and deduction for self-employed with main income from independent occupations group with main income from industry, by industry (SIC2007)
09914: Income, wealth, debt and taxes for residents in urban settlements with at least 10 000 inhabitants (US) (closed series)
08878: Survey of tax settlement, preliminary figures (closed series)
08603: Taxable income and property (C)
08564: Survey of tax assessment for all persons (C)
08411: Income intervals, by sex. Number of residents 17 years and older
08409: Income intervals. Number of residents 17 years and older (M)
07762: Income and deduction for self-employed with main income from independent occupations group, by industry (SIC2007) (closed series)
07094: Main entries from the tax assessment, residents 17 years and older (C) (NOK) (closed series)
06626: Main entries from the tax assessment for persons 62 years and older, by age (M)
06074: Income and deduction for self-employed with main income from other entreprenurial activity, by industry (closed series)
06073: Income and deductions for self-employed, by main income (closed series)
05946: Main entries from the tax assessment, by the size of net wealth. Residents 17 years and older. Average (NOK) (M)
05918: Main entries from the tax assessment for employees and pensioners and also self-employed. Residents 17 years and older. Average (NOK) (closed series)
05854: Main entries from the tax assessment for residents 17 years and older, by age. Average and median (NOK) (M) (UD)
05798: Survey of tax assessment for all persons (closed series)
05671: Main entries from the tax assessment for residents 17 years and older. Median (NOK) (M)
05661: Income and deductions from the tax return for residents 17 years and older, by sex. Average (NOK) (C) (closed series)
05598: Survey of tax settlement, preliminary figures (closed series)
03068: Main entries from the tax assessment for residents 17 years and older, by sex (NOK) (M)