Concept variable

Operating expenses

  Norwegian (bokmål)
Name Operating expenses
Definition Includes ordinary operating expenditure on items such as wages, goods and services, maintenance and special operating expenditures. Operating deficits of central government enterprises are also included here.
Valid from
Valid to
Owner 950 - Division for public finance
Comments Central government operating expenses in total is the sum of items 01-29 in central government fiscal account. For operating expenses the following standard items are fixed. Item 01, operating expenditure, covers expenses for wages, goods and services. Item 21 Special operating expenditure. Item 23 Operation and maintenance. Item 24 Operating result for central government enterprises. Items 01, 21 and 24 are also further specified in form of sub items. In the reference the relevant tables are table 1 and 3.
Statistical unit General government
Subject 12 - Public finances
Linked to StatBank tables